Designations Regarding Crimean Entities (E.O. 13685)
Today’s action also targets the following 18 construction, transportation, and defense entities pursuant to E.O. 13685, which authorizes sanctions on, among others, any person determined to operate in the Crimea region of Ukraine. Except as otherwise noted, the persons listed below are designated for operating in the Crimea region of Ukraine.
Defense Firms Operating in Crimea
OAO ‘Uranis-Radiosistemy’ produces radio equipment and is located in Sevastopol, Crimea. It holds resident status in the so-called Republic of Crimea’s free economic zone and a license from the Russian government to develop military equipment.
OAO ‘URANIS-RADIOSISTEMY’ (a.k.a. OJSC ‘URANIS RADIO SYSTEMS’; a.k.a. OJSC URANIS-RADIOSISTEMY; a.k.a. URANIS-RADIOSISTEMY OAO), 33 G, Vakulenchuk Street, Sevastopol, Crimea 99053, Ukraine; Website; Email Address; alt. Email Address; alt. Email Address; Registration ID 1149204003233; Tax ID No. 9201001120 [UKRAINE-EO13685].