Belgium and Ukraine

Belgium has been a significant partner supporting Ukraine in both deed and symbolic effort. 

Total commitments

2.217bn € (Rank: 12)

0.409% of GDP (Rank: 15)

Military commitments

0.328bn € (Rank: 20)

0.061% of GDP (Rank: 22)

Humanitarian commitments

0.110bn € (Rank: 19)

0.020% of GDP (Rank: 21)

Financial commitments

1.779bn € (Rank: 6)

0.328% of GDP (Rank: 2)

Photo from Zelenskyy TG, photo in Kyiv, Text of From Ukrainian Foreign Ministry



Infantry Mobility Vehicles (IMVs)

Armoured personnel carriers (APCs)

  • 40 M113 Armoured Personnel Carriers [from September 2023 onwards][51] (part of €11 million military aid package announced 16 June 2023). Including M113 Armoured Personnel Carriers with Remote Weapon Stations as a joint donation by Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg.[52][49]

Jet Aircraft

  • Training for Ukrainian pilots on F-16 jet fighters.[53]
  • 30 F-16s pledged by 2028.[54]
  • €100 million allocated for the maintenance and support of F-16 jet fighters.[55]

Naval vessels

  • 3 minehunter ships [Pledged 2024]. One of them will be the Tripartite-class minehunter Narcis (M923), which will undergo full maintenance before being donated. Belgium providing basic training and the Netherlands offering on-the-job training for the crews.[50]
  • Borys Aleksandrov; in 2021 (before Russian attack in February 2022 but after the start of the Russo-Ukrainian war in 2014), Belgium gifted the ocean research vessel from Belgian Navy to Ukraine.[56] She was renamed from Belgica to Borys Aleksandrov.

Surface-to-air Missiles (SAMs)

Anti-Tank Guided Missiles (ATGMs)

  • €1 million worth of MILANs [May or June 2022].[49]
  • A small number of RK-2S Baryers [November 2022] (Purchased from the CMI Group in Belgium).[49]

Heavy Mortars


  • 240 Volvo Fassi N10 Trucks [150 delivered between March and April 2023].[49]
  • Armored ambulance vehicles [Pledged 2024].[50]

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

  • ”A few” Sky-Hero Loki MkII Quadcopters [Before December 2022].[49]
  • Primoco One 150s [2023] (Joint with Luxembourg and the Netherlands).[49]
  • Reconnaissance drones [Pledged 2024].[50]

Unmanned Underwater Vehicles

  • 10 R7 Remotely Operated Vehicles [May 2023].[49][57]

Anti-Tank Weapons

Small Arms

  • 5,000 FN FNC assault rifles [March 2022].[49]
  • Limited numbers of FN F2000 and F2000 tactical assault rifles [May 2022].[49]
  • Limited numbers of FN SCAR-L assault rifles [May 2022].[49]
  • FN FAL assault rifles [2022].[49]
  • FN MAG general-purpose machine guns [2022].[49]
  • FN Minimi M1 and para light machine guns [2022].[49]
  • 1,450 M2 heavy machine guns [Delivered from 2022 onwards].[49]
  • 3,700 assault rifles [To be delivered].[49]
  • 120 grenade launchers [To be delivered].[49]


  • ”Small arms ammunition” [2022].[49]
  • 1.5 million rounds of 12.7 mm ammunition [2022].[49]
  • 105 mm shells worth €32.4 million [To be delivered].[49]
  • Procurement of 155 mm ammunition through European Defense Agency [To be delivered].[58]
  • €200 million in funding towards the Czech government initiative to purchase artillery shells for Ukraine.[59]
  • €373.1 million allocated for additional artillery munitions [Pledged March 2024].[50]

Miscellaneous Equipment

  • Gefechtshelm M92 ‘Casque Modèle 95’ [Delivered from March or April 2022 onwards].[49]
  • Flack jackets [March or April 2022].[49]
  • Night vision goggles [Delivered from March or April 2022 onwards].[49]
  • 3,800 tonnes of fuel (3 million litres) [March or April 2022 and June 2022].[49]
  • Generators [Before November 2022].[49]
  • Sleeping bags [Before November 2022].[49]
  • 2 Mobile laboratories for CBRN protection [To be delivered].[49]
  • 50 Bangalore torpedos.[60]
  • 3,200 additional rifle magazines.[60]
  • £3 million to the International Committee of the Red Cross which will send medicine, water and, food to Mariupol and Kyiv. (March 2022) [26]
  • The Belgian First Aid and Support Team has sent generators, tents, blankets, hygiene kits, kitchen sets, camp beds, feminine hygiene products, milk powder and layers. Moldova has been given tents, generators and hygiene kits. The total value of the humanitarian material delivered by B-FAST now amounts to approximately 1.1 million euros. To Ukraine, Slovakia and Poland. (March 2022) [26]
  • The FPS Public Health has commissioned B-FAST to ship medical equipment worth just over 3 million euros. (March 2022) [26]
  • €800,000 worth of medical equipment, basic supplies, and medicines.(June 2022) [27]
Humanitarian aid Miscellaneous aid
  • 3,000 tons of salt to deice public roads in the current winter conditions in January 2023.[29]
Reconstruction aid
  • In November 2022, a new aid package of €29 million is announced to help with education in Ukraine, rebuild medical infrastructure and support the “Grain From Ukraine program“. Then, the total humanitarian aid reached 61.5 million.[30]
Aid to refugees
  • €800 million for Ukraine and Ukrainian refugees.[31]
Energy aid

8. Ukrainian community 

In Estonia, Ukrainians are the third largest ethnic group after Estonians and Russians. Before the start of the Russian Federation’s full-scale military aggression against Ukraine, more than 25,000 immigrants from Ukraine lived in Estonia, from the beginning of the war until May of this year more than 130,000 citizens of Ukraine entered the country, 71,000 of whom remained in Estonia.

The cities of Narva, Sillamäe, Kohtla-Järve, and Yihvi (the north-eastern region of Estonia) are places of compact residence of Ukrainians in the Republic of Estonia, where during the Soviet times specialists of the chemical industry and miners from Ukraine were sent to work. Ukrainians also live in Tallinn, Tartu, Maardu, Pärnu.

Representatives of the Ukrainian diaspora in the Estonia are united in two independent structures:

The Congress of Ukrainians of Estonia and the Association of Ukrainian Organizations in Estonia, which include twenty-eight Ukrainian national and cultural societies.

The Congress of Ukrainians of Estonia (chairman – Vira Konyk), currently unites more than ten organizations, including: the Union of Ukrainian Women of Estonia, the scouting organization “Plast” and the sports club “Dnipro”, the Ukrainian community of Ida-Virumaa, the Ukrainian cultural and educational society “Stozhary” ” Maardu, Ukrainian community “Barvinok” Rakvere (chairman – Maria Gavrilyuk), Ukrainian society “Smerichka” Oizu (chairman – Hanna Loovili), Ukrainian community Narva, Ukrainian society Pylva, cultural society ” Ray” of Tartu. The Congress of Ukrainians of Estonia gathers around the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church, which is located in the same building as the Ukrainian Cultural Center (the head is Anatoly Lyutiuk). There is a Ukrainian Sunday school and a folk crafts school at the church, as well as a small library.

Women’s vocal group “Vidlunya”, choir “Rodyna”, girls’ ensemble “Verbychenka”, girls’ ensemble “Dzherela”, Ukrainian theater studio ArtStudio, Theater of Ukrainian Rite “Vertep”, Club of Ukrainian Literature operate under the organizations of the Congress of Ukrainians of Estonia.

The Congress of Ukrainians of Estonia is a member of the Association of the Peoples of Estonia, the European Congress of Ukrainians, the World Congress of Ukrainians, and the Ukrainian World Coordination Council. Representatives of the Congress are part of the round table of national minorities under the President of Estonia. The Union of Ukrainian Women of Estonia is a member of the World Federation of Ukrainian Women’s Organizations (WFUHO).

The Association of Ukrainian Organizations in Estonia (President – Volodymyr Palamar) unites the following organizations: 1) Center of Ukrainian Culture in Estonia “Prosvita”; 2) Ukrainian village of Sillamye “Vodogray”; 3) Cultural and educational society “Orpheus” of Tapa; 4) Ukrainian society “Vitchizna” of Pärnu; 5) Union of Ukrainian Youth in Estonia; 6) Creative association “Koyt” of Tapa; 7) Ukrainian community of Payde “Spogad”, 8) Youth and children’s choreographic ensemble “Color” of Tallinn, 9) Ukrainian studio “Kobzaryk” of Tallinn, 10) Ukrainian registered Cossacks in Estonia, Tallinn. The Ukrainian Saturday school “Nadia” operates under the Association.

Academic choir “Ukraine”, women’s vocal group “Neighbors” and choir “Mriya” (Tallinn), ensemble “Kumasi” operate under the organizations of AUOE.

The Embassy of Ukraine in Estonia closely cooperates with the Ukrainian community, primarily in the field of public and cultural diplomacy to promote the image of Ukraine in Estonia.

Given the large number of Ukrainian children who came to Estonia with their parents, fleeing Russian aggression, the Embassy pays special attention to ensuring their educational needs.

The following Ukrainian schools are currently operating in Tallinn.

1. The school for Ukrainian children at 49 Raagu Street, in a building belonging to Tallinn University, is part of the Lillekyula Gymnasium (municipal school). The project manager is Natalya Myalitsina. The teaching staff of the school is fully represented by Ukrainian teachers from among temporarily displaced persons. Since September 2022, more than 400 students have started studying at the school (the school is designed for 600 educational places).

2. On September 1, 2022, the Tallinn Municipality opened a Ukrainian school at the Tallinn Tynismae State Gymnasium, which was named “Freedom School”.

The educational institution is designed for 800 places for students of grades 7-12. Currently, 584 students study at the “Freedom School”. Educational activities at the “Freedom School” are conducted using the method of language immersion, at least 60% of lessons are conducted in Estonian. The school is headed by Olga Selishcheva, who previously worked as the head of the Tallinn House of the Estonian Language INSA, as well as a teacher and head of educational work at the school.