Liechtenstein and Ukraine

1. Recognition of Ukraine: December 23, 1991.

2. Establishment of diplomatic relations: February 6, 1992.

3. Political relations

Relations are characterized by the absence of problematic issues. Liechtenstein does not recognize Russia’s illegal annexation of Crimea, supports Ukraine during Russia’s full-scale military aggression, strongly condemns the Russian invasion, and supports the urgency of investigating war crimes committed by Russia. Fully adheres to EU sanctions. Liechtenstein has joined the statement of the states-parties of the Rome Statute to the International Criminal Court regarding the investigation of crimes of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity, supported the activation of the Moscow Mechanism of the OSCE.

On the initiative of Liechtenstein, on April 26, the UN General Assembly adopted the resolution on the response to the use of the right of veto in the UN Security Council. This resolution does not cancel the right of veto in the Security Council. Its idea is to strengthen the transparency and accountability of the UN Security Council to the General Assembly in accordance with the Organization’s Charter when making decisions in this organ.

Liechtenstein co-sponsored UN General Assembly resolution A/RES/ES-11/5 of November 7, 2022 “Furtherance of remedy and reparation for aggression against Ukraine”, adopted at the 11th extraordinary special session. The resolution is historic as it admits that Russia should be accountable for its aggression against Ukraine and recommends creating a register of damages. It also recognizes the need for Russia to compensate for the damage caused by violations of international law, creation of a register of claims for losses and damages. For the first time, the resolution contains a call on Russia to immediately stop the use of force against Ukraine and to completely and unconditionally withdraw its troops within its internationally recognized borders and territorial waters.

Liechtenstein is part of the coalition of countries for the creation of the Special Tribunal for the Crime of Aggression against Ukraine (Core Group) actively supports the idea of its creation and prosecution of war criminals. Liechtenstein also joined the founding countries of the Register of Damages, created as part of the Council of Europe summit in Reykjavík (May 16-17, 2023).

Among the last contacts at the highest level 

On February 20, 2022, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba and Governmental Counselor, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Education and Sport of the Principality of Liechtenstein Dominique Hasler held a meeting on the margins of the Munich Security Conference. During the meeting, Dominique Hasler announced the Principality’s decision to join the International Crimean Platform, thus becoming the 48th participating state.

On May 26, 2022, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba paid a visit to the Principality of Liechtenstein. During the visit, he held talks with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Education and Sports of the Principality of Liechtenstein Dominique Hasler, and paid a courtesy visit to His Serene Highness Hereditary Prince Alois of Liechtenstein.

On January 17, 2023, the First Lady of Ukraine Olena Zelenska met with His Serene Highness Hereditary Prince Alois of Liechtenstein “on the margins” of the World Economic Forum in Davos (Switzerland).

4. Contractual and legal framework 

The number of valid bilateral documents: 3. Since June 1, 2012, the Free Trade Agreement between Ukraine and EFTA has been brought into force in relations between Ukraine and Liechtenstein. Part of the Ukrainian-Swiss agreements apply to Liechtenstein (on trade and economic cooperation, on agriculture, on international road transport of passengers and cargo, on mutual cancellation of the visa regime for holders of diplomatic, service and special passports, on simplification of visa processing, on readmission).

5. Cultural and humanitarian cooperation 

Cultural and humanitarian cooperation is not characterized by high activity, but it has potential for development. One of the traditional symbols of such cooperation was the activity of Baron Eduard von Falz Fein (1912-2018) – a citizen of Liechtenstein and a native of Ukraine (the village of Havrylivka in the Kherson region), nephew of the founder of the nature reserve “Askania-Nova”, who for many years contributed to the reconstruction of the nature reserve and the museum complex on its territory. The International Academy of Music in Liechtenstein is constantly accepting foreign scholarship holders, including musicians from Ukraine. Ukrainian children regularly participate in international Olympiads and social projects held by the Principality. There is cooperation between the postal administrations of our countries – Ukrainian Post and Liechtenstein Post. Liechtenstein provides humanitarian aid to Ukraine in connection with the need to overcome the consequences of Russian aggression. Among other things, this is done through the Liechtenstein Red Cross, which is headed by the wife of His Serene Highness Hereditary Prince Alois of Liechtenstein, Princess Sofia. Other Liechtenstein NGOs also provide humanitarian aid to Ukraine, including Hilfswerk Liechtenstein (“HL”), which during the year implemented several projects with the direct participation of the Government of the Principality and clergy of the Ukrainian Roman Catholic Church. Among such initiatives is the opening of a medical diagnostic center for vulnerable population groups in Kyiv in cooperation with the “Caritas-Spes Ukraine” association. In 2020, the public organization “HL” also supported with a financial donation the settlement for single mothers with children “Nadia” in Kharkiv, which was opened in 2019 with the support of the Government of Liechtenstein.

The Ukrainian community does not have places of compact residence and established associations on the territory of Liechtenstein, until February 24, 2022, it numbered about 40 people.

According to the Immigration and Passport Office of Liechtenstein, since the beginning of the full-scale military aggression of the Russian Federation, about 437 people from Ukraine have arrived in Liechtenstein (as of June 2023).

6. Diplomatic mission of Ukraine. Embassy of Ukraine to the Swiss Confederation.

SFr 500,000 worth of humanitarian aid on 25 February 2022.[195]
Reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicles
  • 30 Parrot ANAFIs [delivered from April 2022 onwards].[241]
  • ~10 surveillance drones [August 2022].[241]
  • “Several” vans (for personnel and food transport) [August 2022].[241]
  • Toyota Hillux pickup trucks (For EOD units) [April 2023].[241]
  • 6 ISUZU crane trucks (for EOD units) [April 2023].[241]
  • Toyota high mobility vehicles (part of a batch of 100 vehicles) [to be delivered].[241]
  • Mitsubishi Type 73 light (1/2 ton) jeeps (part of a batch of 100 vehicles) [to be delivered].[242]
  • Morooka rubber track carriers (part of a batch of 100 vehicles) [to be delivered].[242]
Military gear
  • 6,900 Type 88 Version 2 Kai helmets [March 2022].[242][241]
  • 1,900 Type 3 Kai bulletproof vests [March 2022].[242][241]
  • Military clothing (including field jacket version 2, gloves, boots) [March 2022].[242]
  • Type 00/Type 18 hazmat suits (including gas masks) [Delivered from April 2022 onwards].[241]
Miscellaneous equipment
  • ALIS mine detection equipment [April 2023].[241]
  • Communications equipment [March 2022].[241]
  • Satellite phones [March 2022].[241]
  • Binoculars [Delivered from March 2022 onwards].[241]
  • 240 tents [March 2022].[241]
  • Generators [March 2022].[242]
  • 50 cameras [March 2022].[241]
  • Lighting devices [March 2022].[241]
  • Medical equipment, gowns and gloves [March 2022].[242]
  • 140,000 emergency rations [March 2022 and June 2023].[241]
  • Protective equipment for pyrotechnicians [April 2023].[241]
  • A UAV detection system [July 2023] [243]
  • Rehabilitation of two wounded Ukrainian soldiers [To be delivered].[244]
Financial aid