Netherlands and Ukraine

The Netherlands has been a significant partner supporting Ukraine.

Total commitments

8.759bn € (Rank: 4)

2.413% of GDP (Rank: 2)

Military commitments

8.397bn € (Rank: 4)

2.313% of GDP (Rank: 2)

Humanitarian commitments

0.234bn € (Rank: 13)

0.065% of GDP (Rank: 10)

Financial commitments

0.128bn € (Rank: 16)

0.035% of GDP (Rank: 17)



1. Recognition of Ukraine: December 31, 1991.

2. Establishment of diplomatic relations: April 1, 1992.

The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Ukraine was opened in the fall of 1992. The Embassy of Ukraine in the Benelux countries, whose functions included the representative office of Ukraine in the Netherlands, was opened in Brussels in 1993. The independent diplomatic mission of Ukraine in the Kingdom of the Netherlands in The Hague began its activities in 2002.

3. Political relations

The Netherlands is an important political partner of Ukraine both at the bilateral level and in the European Union and international organizations.

Bilateral relations with Ukraine were friendly and constructive from the very beginning. After the beginning of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, the Netherlands adopted a firm and principled policy of supporting Ukraine and condemning Russia. The country consistently supported the introduction of sanctions against the Russian Federation, voted for pro-Ukrainian decisions in the EU, NATO, the UN and other international organizations. An important topic of the political dialogue between Ukraine and the Netherlands is the investigation into the downing of flight MH17 on July 17, 2014.

During the growing threat of Russian invasion at the beginning of 2022, and especially after February 24, 2022, the Netherlands radically increased its political, military, financial, economic and humanitarian support for Ukraine and became one of the European leaders in helping our country and opposing the Russian aggression. The Netherlands took the lead on point 7 of the Ukrainian Peace Formula – “Restoring Justice”.

Contacts and visits at the highest and highest levels

On February 1-2, 2022, Prime Minister Mark Rutte and Minister of Foreign Affairs W. Hoekstra arrived in Kyiv for a visit to demonstrate support for Ukraine in the context of the worsening situation on the Ukrainian-Russian border.

On February 23, 2022, on the eve of the Russian attack, the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy and the Prime Minister of the Netherlands Mark Rutte, had a telephone conversation, after February 24, they held dozens of telephone conversations, and also made a video address to the parliament of the partner country.

In May 2022, the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Dmytro Kuleba, and the Netherlands, Wopke Hoekstra, exchanged working visits.

In June 2022, the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Ruslan Stefanchuk, First Deputy Prime Minister – Minister of Economy of Ukraine Y. Svyrydenko and First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Emine Dzaparova visited the Netherlands.

In July 2022, Prime Minister Mark Rutte made a working visit to Ukraine.

In June 2022, the Netherlands supported the decision of the European Council to grant Ukraine the status of a candidate for EU membership. The country also recognizes the prospect of Ukraine joining NATO.

In February 2023, a delegation of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives of the Netherlands visited Ukraine.

In May 2023, the state visit of the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy to the Netherlands took place.

4. Trade and economic relations

The Netherlands is one of Ukraine’s leading foreign economic partners among the EU member states.

According to the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, the volume of Ukrainian exports of goods to the Netherlands in 2021 amounted to 2,262,575 thousand dollars. USA (or 125.5% of the corresponding period in 2020). The volume of goods imported from the Netherlands amounted to 1,012,047 thousand dollars. USA (134.8% of the corresponding period of 2020). Thus, the total turnover in 2021 reached 3,274,622 thousand USD, and the positive trade balance in favour of Ukraine was at the level of 1,250,527 thousand USD.

According to the goods structure of Ukraine’s foreign trade, the leading product groups of Ukrainian exports to the Netherlands in January 2022 were: cereals (35.4% of exports, 232.9% from the level of 2021), fats and oils of animal or vegetable origin (33,1%, 503.9%), seeds and fruits of oil plants (5.9%, 110.93%), meat (6.9%, 144.85%), ferrous metals (4.2 %, 114.7%), wood and wood products (2.7%, 190%). The rest of the product groups have an insignificant weight and do not significantly affect the volume and dynamics of exports.

In the product structure of imports from the Netherlands, consumer goods and goods that are used for manufacturing in Ukraine are the most popular, namely: mineral fuels, petroleum and its distillation products, bituminous substances (total weight 31.3%). plastic and polymer materials (total weight 5.9%), live trees and other plants (total weight 4.8%), nuclear reactors, boilers, means of land transport, except railway (4.5%) and machines, equipment and mechanical devices, their parts (4.0%).

According to the data of January 2022, the Netherlands ranked 6th in the world in terms of Ukrainian exports. In addition, during this period, the Netherlands was a key importer of Ukrainian agricultural products among the EU countries.

War in Ukraine significantly negatively impacted the level of foreign trade with the Netherlands. Taking into account this factor, it is possible to state:

– Export of Ukrainian goods to the Netherlands in the nine months of 2022 – 1.1 billion USD

– In the same period of 2021 – 2.262 billion USD

– The volume of goods imported from the Netherlands in the nine months of 2022 amounted to 784 million USD

– in 2021 – 1.012 billion USD

5. Cultural and humanitarian cooperation

Ukrainian-Dutch cooperation in the field of culture is actively developing and has a dynamic character. Its legal basis is the Agreement between the Government of Ukraine and the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands on cultural cooperation dated February 1, 1996.

In 2022, Ukraine was designated by the Netherlands as a priority country in the field of cultural cooperation.

A number of local Ukrainian music and dance groups have existed in the Netherlands for many years, promoting the Ukrainian musical tradition. In particular, the Lysenko Choir, the Utrecht Byzantine Choir, the folk ensemble “Rusalka”, the vocal ensemble “Chervoni Korali”, etc.

The organizations “Ukrainians in the Netherlands”, “Oekraine Culturalis”, “OpenDoorUkraine.NL” promote Ukraine and Ukrainian culture, conduct economic and investment activities, organize cultural and artistic festivals, concerts, creative evenings, etc.

With the start of the full-scale war in Ukraine, many cultural events in the Netherlands are devoted to Ukraine: numerous charity concerts, including Ukrainian musicians and performers, art and photo exhibitions, film screenings, theatre performances, art installations, etc.

Also, the events in Ukraine became an impetus for the translation and publication in Dutch of the works of Ukrainian writers, the creation by Dutch authors of books and collections about Ukraine, its history and modernity.

To provide support to cultural figures and artists from Ukraine who are temporarily in the Netherlands, the Government of the Netherlands established a special fund in the amount of 1 million euros. Six Dutch national cultural foundations from various artistic fields are implementing this initiative.

At the end of May 2022, to support Ukrainian ballet art and promote Ukrainian culture, a temporary residence for Ukrainian dancers – “The United Ukrainian Ballet” – was opened in The Hague. The initiative is implemented by the Dutch SENF Foundation together with prima ballerina Igone de Jong, the Royal Conservatory in The Hague and the Amare Theatre, with the support of The Hague City Hall and the Embassy of Ukraine in the Netherlands.

A magazine about Ukraine in the Dutch language – “Oekraine Magazine” – is published twice a year. The magazine is published on a volunteer basis and is a non-profit project of the Dutch public organization “Ukraine-Netherlands Cooperation Platform”.

In addition, the Netherlands Public Broadcaster (NPO) created a Ukrainian-language online platform Net in Nederland (“New arrivals in the Netherlands”) for Ukrainian displaced persons, which tells about the life, culture and customs of the Dutch in Ukrainian.

Also, at the end of April 2022, the first Ukrainian radio started operating in the Netherlands.

On an ongoing basis, about 20 Dutch charitable organizations transfer humanitarian aid to Ukraine, provide support to institutions of the social sphere, and also take an active part in the implementation of many humanitarian projects and initiatives in Ukraine.

6. Scientific and educational cooperation

In the field of scientific cooperation between Ukraine and the Netherlands, the space industry, health care, IT technologies, and cyber security are priorities.

Currently, there is a dialogue between the Netherlands Space Agency and the State Space Agency of Ukraine regarding the implementation of a number of joint initiatives in the field of using outer space for peaceful purposes. Among the priority areas of cooperation are remote sensing of the Earth, joint scientific research, participation in programs on the study of the Moon, etc.

Ukraine has intensified interaction with the international platform Global Forum for Cyber Expertise (GFCE) in such areas as the fight against cybercrime, the development of a cyber strategy, the protection of critical infrastructure from cyber-attacks, and raising the level of public awareness of modern threats in cyberspace.

In health care, Ukraine is developing a partnership with the organization Task Force Health Care (TFHC), which unites key healthcare sector representatives in the Netherlands. In addition, cooperation is developing with the Dutch companies “Royal Philips”, “Hospitainer”, and many other companies, as well as the European Medicines Agency regarding the use of their innovative experience for reforming the health care system in Ukraine.

Cooperation with leading Dutch universities such as Delft University of Technology, Leiden University, Wageningen University and Research Centre is one of the priorities in the field of educational cooperation.

7. Legal relations

Number of documents: 42.

Key documents:

Agreement on promotion and mutual protection of investments between Ukraine and the Kingdom of the Netherlands (Signed: 14.07.1994, effective from: 01.06.1997).

Convention between Ukraine and the Kingdom of the Netherlands on the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of tax evasion with respect to taxes on income and property (Signed: 24.10.1995, effective from: 02.11.1996).

Protocol “On Amendments to the Convention between Ukraine and the Kingdom of the Netherlands on the Avoidance of Double Taxation and Prevention of Tax Evasion Regarding Taxes on Income and Property” (Signed: 12.03.2018).

Agreement between the National Bureau for the Investigation of Aviation Events and Incidents with Civil Aircraft (NBRCA) of Ukraine and the Aviation Safety Board of the Netherlands on the transfer of the investigation of the aviation incident involving the Boeing 777-200 aircraft, registration number: 9M-MRD of the airline company “Malaysia Airlines” flight MH17 (Signed: 24/07/2014, valid from: 24/07/2014).

Agreement between Ukraine and the Kingdom of the Netherlands on the International Investigation Protection Mission (Signed: 07/28/2014, valid from: 08/01/2014).

Agreement between Ukraine and the Kingdom of the Netherlands on international legal cooperation regarding crimes related to the downing of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17 on July 17, 2014 (Signed: July 7, 2017, valid from: August 28, 2018).


  • Around €60 million, including a contribution to the UN’s Ukraine Humanitarian Fund,
  • €27.5 million via the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
  • €90 million via the World Bank’s Ukraine Relief, Recovery, Reconstruction and Reform Trust Fund.
  • €72 million via the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
  • €18 million for the delivery of parts for the electricity grid.
  • €50 million for infrastructure repairs.
  • €1 million via the Association of Netherlands Municipalities for reconstruction plans for KhersonOdesaMykolaiv.
  • €150 million from official development assistance budget for the reception of refugees in the Netherlands.
  • €500,000 for repairs to damaged cultural heritage.
  • €1 million for the International Criminal Court (March 2023).[206]
  • A humanitarian package amounting to €180 million was announced in April 2023 which includes support for agriculture in Ukraine and repair work.[207]
  • A humanitarian aid package worth €118,875,00 for Ukraine was announced on 4 July 2023.[208]
Fighter jets Naval vessels Anti-ship missiles (AShMs) Surface-to-air missile systems (Mobile) anti-aircraft guns
  • 100 MR-2 Mobile Anti-Aircraft Guns [To be delivered] (Purchased by the Netherlands from Czechia, upgraded and delivered to Ukraine).[285]
  • 17 Bofors 40L70s [Delivered from March 2023 onwards].[285]
Self-propelled artillery
  • 8 155mm PzH 2000s [April 2022. Training completed in May 2022. Arrived to Ukraine from June 2022 onwards].[285]
  • 45 T-72 Avenger [Deliveries starting in December 2022] (purchased from Czech company Excalibur Army and delivered directly to Ukraine).[285]
  • 100+ Leopard 1A5s [To be delivered] (In cooperation with Germany and Denmark).[285]
  • 14 Leopard 2A4s [To be delivered] (In cooperation with Denmark).[285]
Armoured fighting vehicles Armoured personnel carriers (APCs) Engineering vehicles and equipment
  • 1 Scanjack 3500 Mine Clearing System [2022/2023].[285]
  • 2 Bozena Mine Clearing Systems [2022/2023].[285]
  • M3 Amphibious Bridging Vehicles [To be delivered].[285]
Vehicles (441 in total)
  • ~300 DAF YA-4442 ‘4-tonner’ trucks and DAF YAZ-2300 ’10-tonner’ trucks [Delivered from November 2022 onwards].[285]
  • Mercedes Benz 290GD Ambulances [2022/2023].[285]
  • Volkswagen Amarok SUVs [2022/2023].[285]
  • 2 Lifting Cranes [2022/2023].[285]
  • 10 Loaders [2022/2023].[285]
  • 21 Forklifts [2022/2023].[285]
Heavy mortars Man-portable air defence systems (MANPADS) Reconnaissance UAVs
  • 143 unmanned aerial vehicles [April or May 2022].[285]
Unmanned underwater vehicles
  • 2 SeaFox autonomous mine-detecting underwater vehicles [March or April 2022].[285]
  • AN/TPQ-36 Firefinder weapon-locating radars [Delivered from April 2022 onwards].[285]
  • 2 Thales Squire ground surveillance radars [Delivered from April 2022 onwards].[285]
  • ”Several” anti-drone radars [To be delivered].[285]
Small arms Ammunition
  • 50 DM72A1 (PzF 3-IT) rounds for Panzerfaust 3 [March 2022].[285]
  • 30,000 rounds of 7.62mm and 12.7mm ammunition [March 2022] (For AX408 and M82 sniper and anti-materiel rifles).[285]
  • Small Arms Ammunition (For C7A1 Assault Rifles, Glock 17 Pistols, FN MAG, FN Minimi and M2 Machine Guns [2022].[285]
  • 20,000 rounds of 120mm ammunition for the Leopard 2 [To be delivered].[285]
  • M982 Excalibur Guided Artillery Rounds For PzH 2000 SPG [2022/2023].[285]
Military gear
  • 3,000 Gevechtshelm Composiet M95 helmets [March or April 2022].[285]
  • STRONG helmets [June 2022].[285]
  • 2,000 flak jackets [March or April 2022 and June 2022].[285]
  • Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Gear [2022].[285]
  • Night-Vision Equipment [2022].[285]
  • 30 Hand-Held Mine Detectors [March 2022].[285]
Miscellaneous equipment
  • 10 Field Hospitals [2022 and 2023] (In cooperation with Estonia and Norway).[285]
  • One mobile hospital donated to the Ukrainian State Border Guard Service [July 2023][286]
  • 31 Field Kitchens [2022/2023].[285]
  • 676 Generators [2022/2023].[285]
  • 300 Tents [2022/2023].[285]
  • Sleeping Bags [2022/2023].[285]
  • Fuel [2022/2023].[285]
  • Spare Parts [2022/2023].[285]
  • Meal, Ready-to-Eat (MREs) [2022/2023].[285]
  • Medical Supplies [2022/2023].[285]
  • 2 Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Trucks [Before February 2023].[285]
  • Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Kits [2022].[285]

Ukrainian community

The Ukrainian diaspora in the Netherlands belongs to the new, so-called “economic” wave of migration. Its representatives came to the Netherlands for training or employment, mainly in technical and scientific fields. According to the estimates of diaspora organizations, before the beginning of the acute phase of Russia’s war against Ukraine, about 10,000 Ukrainians lived in the Netherlands. Places of compact residence of the Ukrainian diaspora are primarily large cities: Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague, as well as cities with a predominantly student population: Utrecht, Leiden, Groningen and Eindhoven.

Since the beginning of the full-scale war against Ukraine on February 24, 2022, the Dutch Government and ordinary Dutch people have been actively helping Ukrainians who fled the war and found refuge in this country. Ukrainian citizens are provided with temporary shelter, they are provided with everything necessary for a comfortable and safe stay; numerous initiatives are also implemented aimed at providing Ukrainians with employment assistance, providing educational, medical and other services. As of June 2023, more than 90,000 temporarily displaced persons from Ukraine are officially registered in the Netherlands.

Since 2014, the activities and cohesion of the Ukrainian community in the multicultural environment of the Netherlands have grown significantly. Ukrainians actively protect the national interests of Ukraine, provide assistance to the Ukrainian military, popularize Ukrainian culture and traditions, creating national cultural and humanitarian centres in the largest cities of the Netherlands. The community regularly holds numerous rallies and actions in support of Ukraine. Every week there are 1-2 rallies in different cities of the country. Large consignments of humanitarian aid are regularly sent to Ukraine. In particular, since the full-scale invasion began, the “Ukrainians in the Netherlands” Foundation sent more than 460 tons of humanitarian aid to Ukraine.

In March 2022, the first Ukrainian House was opened in Rotterdam with the support of the city hall.

The following officially registered organizations of the Ukrainian diaspora currently exist in the Netherlands: the Ukrainians in the Netherlands Foundation, the Ukraine Culturalis Foundation, the Oekraïense gemeenschap in Nederland Foundation, and Brand New Ukraine. Recently, there has been a tendency to create new groups and associations of Ukrainians.

Public organizations of Ukrainians in The Hague, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Groningen, Eindhoven, Utrecht, Haarlem, Breda and Almere operate Saturday or Sunday schools.