Slovakia and Ukraine

Slovakia is the ninth on the per GDP and deeply supportive of Ukraine’s victory to drive the Russian invaders out its territory.

Total commitments

0.686bn € (Rank: 22)

0.646% of GDP (Rank: 9)

Military commitments

0.670bn € (Rank: 14)

0.630% of GDP (Rank: 6)

Humanitarian commitments

0.011bn € (Rank: 31)

0.011% of GDP (Rank: 31)

Financial commitments

0.005bn € (Rank: 23)

0.005% of GDP (Rank: 23)

Video from Zelenskyy TG, in Kyiv, Text of From Ukrainian Foreign Ministry




On December 8, 1991, the Czechoslovak Federal Republic (CSFR) recognized the Independence of Ukraine.

Recognition of  the Slovak Republic’s Independence by Ukraine: January 01, 1993.

Establishment of diplomatic relations: January 01, 1993.

1. Political dialogue:

Relations between Ukraine and the Slovak Republic are free from any political problems or misunderstandings and based on common views and approaches on topical issues of international agenda.

Slovakia firmly supports the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders as well as international sanctions against russia for its military aggression against Ukraine.  Slovakia joined the Core Group that will work under the specific issues on the establishment of the Special Tribunal for the Crime of Aggression Against Ukraine.

Official Bratislava calls to continue political, diplomatic, financial, humanitarian and other support to our state. The Slovak Government established the Crisis Centre to coordinate humanitarian assistance for Ukraine and ensuring uninterrupted supplies of humanitarian aid to Ukraine from the EU countries opened the Logistics hub in Košice.

We can confidently grant Slovakia the title of Honorary Advocate of Ukraine in the matter of Ukraine’s accession to the European Union and Ukraine’s future NATO membership. 28.02.2022 the President of the Slovak Republic Zuzana Čaputová, together with the other seven presidents of the EU member states, called for the rapid accession of Ukraine to the European Union.  02.10.2022 the President Zuzana Čaputová signed the Joint Statement of the Presidents of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, the Czech Republic, Poland, Montenegro, Romania, North Macedonia, and Slovakia regarding Russia’s attempts to illegally annex Ukrainian territories. The statement emphasized: “We firmly stand behind the decision of the 2008 NATO summit in Bucharest regarding Ukraine’s future membership”. 06.06.2023 Bratislava hosted the summit of Leaders of the Bucharest 9 to discuss the run-up to the Vilnius Summit and Ukraine’s expectations.  

Recent Contacts (2023)

January 1-2- visit of Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine -Minister for the reintegration of temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine Iryna Vereshchuk to participate in events dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the founding of the Slovak Republic.

January 13 – telephone conversation between the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi and President of the Slovak Republic Zuzana Čaputová.

March 17 – a telephone conversation between the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyi, and the Acting Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic, Eduard Heger. –

March 20 – political consultations of the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Yevhen Perebijnos with the State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic Ingrid Brotskova.

March 31 – working visit of acting Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic Eduard Heger to Ukraine, participation in the Bucha Summit. –

April 25 – meeting of the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Ruslan Stefanchuk with the Chairman of the National Council of the Slovak Republic Boris Kollar, within the framework of the Conference of Speakers of Parliaments of the EU countries.

April 28-30 – a joint visit to Ukraine by the President of the Slovak Republic Zuzana Čaputova and the President of the Czech Republic Petr Pavel.

May 20 – a telephone conversation between the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Dmytro Kuleba, and the newly appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic, Miroslav Wlachovsky.

May 24 – telephone conversation between the Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal and the Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic Ludovit Odor.

June 1 – the meeting of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi with the Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic Ludovit Odor on the sidelines of the second summit of the European Political Community (Chisinau).

2. Trade and economic cooperation:

According to the official statistical data of Ukraine, according to the results of trade in goods and services between Ukraine and Slovakia in 2022, the total turnover amounted to 2,566.6 million US dollars,  and compared to the same period in 2021, it increased by 564.8 million US dollars, or by 28.2 %. Export of goods and services from Ukraine to Slovakia during this period amounted to 1,543.2 million US dollars,  while import – 1023.4 million US dollars. The positive balance for Ukraine during this period amounted to 519.8 million US dollars. 

Results of trade and economic cooperation between Ukraine and the Slovak Republic in 202ľ demonstrated a record growth in trade turnover indicators over the past 15 years.

The main items of export of goods from Ukraine to the SR are: ores, slag and ash – 37.2%, mineral fuels; petroleum and products of their distillation – 19.5%, grain crops – 7.6%, electric machines – 7.6%, seeds and fruits of oil plants – 5.6%, meat and edible by-products – 4.3%, wood and wood products – 2.9%, plastic, polymer materials – 1.8%, fats and oils of animal and vegetable origin – 1.7%, railway locomotives – 1.5%, ferrous metals – 1.4%, nuclear reactors, boilers, machines – 1.3%.

The main articles of import of goods from the SR to Ukraine are: mineral fuels; petroleum and products of their distillation – 33.5%, means of land transport, except railway – 12%, ferrous metals –10.8%, various – 10.8%, plastics, polymer materials – 5.6%, nuclear reactors, boilers, machines – 4.8%, paper and cardboard – 3.1%, caoutchouc, rubber – 1.8%, salt, sulfur, earth and stones – 1.7%, wood mass – 1.4%, ferrous metal products – 1%, various food products – 1%.

The structure of Ukrainian export of services in the SR was dominated by: transport services – 62.9%, business services -13.8%, services for the processing of material resources – 12.3%, services in the field of telecommunications, computer and information services – 5.4%, repair and maintenance services not included in other categories – 2.9%.

The structure of import of services from Slovakia to Ukraine was dominated by: transport services – 73.9%, services in the field of telecommunications, computer and information services – 11.7%, business services – 9.5%, insurance services – 1.6%, travel related services – 1.4%.

During 2022, significant work was carried out with the aim of intensifying trade and economic cooperation, in particular, in the context of new challenges associated with the full-scale invasion of Russia into Ukraine.

Despite the military actions, in 2022 it was possible to resume the work of the Ukrainian-Slovak Mixed Commission on Economic, Industrial and Scientific-Technical Cooperation, the meeting of which did not take place since 2013 (the 5th meeting was held on December 8, 2022, Kyiv).

3. Cultural and humanitarian cooperation:

Cultural and humanitarian relations between Ukraine and Slovakia are traditionally characterized by positive dynamics and well-established interaction.

The Treaty Legal Framework of cooperation in this area consists of a number of bilateral documents, including: Agreement between the Ministry of Culture and Arts of Ukraine and the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic on cooperation in the field of culture dated 01.23.1996; Agreement between the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the Government of the Slovak Republic on cooperation in the field of information dated 12.05.2000.

To promote the development of humanitarian cooperation, the Bilateral Ukrainian-Slovak Commission on National Minorities, Education and Culture, which is a permanent body, was created. The next meeting of the Commission is scheduled for the second half of 2022.

More than 30 agreements and contracts have been concluded between higher educational institutions of Ukraine and Slovakia.

With the assistance of the Ministry of Education of the SR, in 2022 and 2023, examination centers were created for testing applicants as part of the Ukrainian admissions campaign (the cities of Bratislava and Banska Bystrica).

In Slovakia, there are 7 educational institutions at various levels of education where the Ukrainian language and literature are taught, in particular the Gymnasium named by T.G.Shevchenko in Pryashiv. Also, Pryashiv University provides graduation of specialists on specialty “Ukrainian language” in conjunction with other specialties. In 2018, a Ukrainian Sunday school was established and registered in Bratislava, which rents premises at a secondary school. Also, at secondary schools of the city of Kosice and the village Ublya, there are a special group to study the Ukrainian language and literature.

With the assistance of the Slovak side, in 2022 alone, more than 60 various events in support of Ukraine were prepared and held (photo exhibitions, concerts, forums, liturgies, support marches, festivals, literary evenings, auctions, etc.). In addition, assistance was provided to numerous Ukrainian groups and performers for their humanitarian touring activities in the SR. In particular, the Ministry of Culture of the SR takes care of the staff of the Kharkiv National Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet named after M.V. Lysenko, who is on a humanitarian tour in the SR from the beginning of June 2022, as well as students and teachers (about 230 people) of Ukrainian choreographic educational institutions who are temporarily in the country. –

As of June 2023, four libraries in the host country have opened “shelves of Ukrainian books”, which contain about 8,000 copies of fiction for adults and children. Within the framework of the project “For Ukrainian children – a Ukrainian book”, about 80 thousand copies of various Ukrainian children’s fiction and textbooks were distributed throughout the territory of the SR. In addition, the Slovak publishing house “Mafra Slovakia, a.s.” printed 2,000 copies of Ukrainian children’s books free of charge, which were given to Ukrainian children through the charity organization “Peace for Ukraine/ Mier Ukrajine”. Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, the leading Slovak publishing house-bookstore “Artforum” has already purchased more than 12,000 copies of Ukrainian children’s books on the territory of Ukraine (mainly in the “Publishing house of the Old Lion”, Lviv). To implement this project, the publishing house “Artforum” has created a network of delivery-collection points in 22 bookstores throughout the SR, where Ukrainian mothers with children, host families, employees of Ukrainian support centers, teachers and librarians can pick up books for free and return them after reading.

The most numerous and representative organization of Ukrainians abroad in Slovakia is the Union of Ruthenians-Ukrainians of the Slovak Republic, which includes 100 primary organizations and within which 36 collectives of folk art of various genres operate. There are more than 4,000 members of the Union.

Other Ukrainian public organizations operate in Slovakia: the Slovak-Ukrainian Society, the Ukrainian Music and Dramatic Ensemble named by Taras Shevchenko, Union of Ukrainian Writers of Slovakia, “PLAST” Scout Union of Ukrainian-Rusyn nationality in Slovakia, etc. One of the important Ukrainian scientific and cultural institution is the Museum of Ukrainian Culture in Svydnyk, which is a branch of the National Museum of Slovakia.

On October 25, 2013, the Center of Ukrainian Culture was opened in Pryashiv, which became a reliable basis for conducting scientific, educational, artistic and other activities for the Ukrainian national minority in Slovakia.

Since 2014, the annual “Days of Ukraine in Kosice” are held in the Slovak Republic on an annual basis.

The Union of Ruthenians-Ukrainians of the Slovak Republic and the Union of Ukrainian Writers of Slovakia have their own periodicals, which are published in the Ukrainian language: Newspaper “Nove zhitya” (published since 1951); magazine “Duklya” (published since 1953); Children’s magazine “Rainbow” (published since 1951). In addition, the Ukrainian edition of programs for national minorities of Slovak Radio operates in Košice.

Since the beginning of Russian aggression against Ukraine, the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic has stopped cooperation with Russian cultural institutions.

The Ministry of Culture of Slovakia also appealed to UNESCO to cancell holding the 45th session of the World Heritage Committee in Kazan and to suspend Russia’s membership in UNESCO.

In Slovakia, the propaganda media Russia Today, the news agency Sputnik and the pro-Kremlin website Hlavné spravy (“Main News”) were blocked.

4. Scientific and technical cooperation:

The Treaty and Legal basis of scientific and technical cooperation between Ukraine and the Slovak Republic in this area is:

– Agreement between the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the Government of the Slovak Republic on scientific and technological cooperation dated 12.02.2002 ( );

– Agreement between the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the Government of the Slovak Republic on economic, industrial and scientific-technical cooperation dated November 24, 2005 (;

– Agreement between the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of Ukraine and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Slovak Republic on economic, scientific, technical and production cooperation dated 05.14.1993 (;

– Agreement on scientific cooperation between the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the Slovak Academy of Sciences from 2004 to 2005-2009, the term of which has been extended.

A number of meetings with the Center for Scientific and Technical Information of the SR, the Academy of Sciences of the SR, Trade and Industry Chamber of Bratislava, Scientific University Parks of Bratislava were held within the visit of a delegation of the Ukrainian Institute of Scientific and Technical Expertise and Information to the Slovak Republic (12 – 15 October 2021). A wide range of issues such as cooperation on the exchange of scientific and technical information, the transfer of technologies and innovations, joint events in the specified field of activity, etc. was discussed.

5. Bilateral agreements between Ukraine and Slovakia

The Treaty and Legal Framework of Ukrainian-Slovak Bilateral Relations consists of 117 treaties.

The existing bilateral agreements cover various areas of cooperation that signifies the diversity and multilateralism of Ukrainian-Slovak relations.

The sides are negotiating a number of draft international bilateral treaties, in particular in the sphere of scientific and technical cooperation, labor migration and social security of citizens, cooperation in combating crime.

Interregional cooperation: 

A diverse range of cooperation characterizes Ukrainian-Slovak regional collaboration, in particular in the economic, social, cultural and humanitarian spheres.

The cooperation between twins cities/regions of Ukraine and Slovakia, which signed the respective agreements on the establishment of twinning relations, in particular between the capitals of our states – Kyiv and Bratislava plays an important role in this field.

The process of extending and deepening interregional relations is constantly ongoing. Thus, in March 2021 (in online format), an Agreement on Cooperation between the Chernihiv Regional State Administration and the Trenchyn Self-Governing Region was signed.

As part of these activities concerning the establishing cooperation between local municipalities of Ukraine and Slovakia, on 2021, the preparatory work for concluding an cooperation agreement between the city of Vyshhorod (Kyiv region) and Lamach, which is a part of Bratislava is underway. In 2022, in order to find a partner city for some Ukrainian cities, in particular: the city of Kalush, the city of Yuzhnoukrainian and the city of Varash, the consultations between the two sides have begun.

On the territory of Ukraine and Slovakia, various joint events, such as scientific and practical conferences, seminars on mutual interests, and Ukrainian-Slovak days of good neighbourhood, are constantly organised. Both countries take an active part in various projects of international cross-border cooperation.

On October 26-27, 2021, the delegation of Ukraine, led by Deputy Minister of Community and Territorial Development, National Coordinator of the Danube Strategy Ihor Korkhov took part at the 10th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region in Bratislava

On October 27, in the framework of this Forum, the handover ceremony of the Presidency of the Danube Strategy from Slovakia to Ukraine took plaace.

This is the first time ever that a non-EU country, takes over the Presidency of an EU Strategy for the Danube Region and coordinates the activities of 14 countries of the Danube River basin, as well as the implementation of EU strategic initiatives in this region (from November 1, 2021 to October 31, 2022).

January 11-12, 2023, a joint visit of the founding mayors of the Pact of Free Cities – Matúš Vallo (Bratislava), Rafal Trzaskowski (Warsaw), Zdeněk Hřib (Prague), and Gergely Karácsony (Budapest) – to Kyiv. On January 11, 2023, as part of the visit, a meeting was held with the mayor of Kyiv Vitali Klitschko. On January 12, 2023, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Yevhen Perebiinys, held a meeting with the mayors of the founding cities of the international initiative “Pact of Free Cities”. The meeting was attended by the mayors of Bratislava, Matúš Vallo, Budapest, Gergely Karácsony, Warsaw, Rafal Trzaskowski, and Prague, Zdeněk Hřib.

Yevgeny Perebiinys expressed his gratitude for the support of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine and Ukrainian citizens who found temporary shelter in these European capitals, as well as their provision of significant humanitarian aid to Ukrainian partner cities, in particular energy equipment.

The parties discussed the current security situation and Ukraine’s needs in connection with Russia’s full-scale war against Ukraine, as well as further cooperation and practical assistance that the capitals of Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and the Czech Republic can provide to Ukraine.

For their part, the mayors of Bratislava, Budapest, Warsaw and Prague confirmed that the “Pact of Free Cities” and each of its member cities will continue to fully support Ukraine in the fight against the aggressor.

For reference: “Pact of Free Cities” is an open alliance launched in 2019 by the mayors of Warsaw, Budapest, Prague and Bratislava. European cities cooperate in the defense of democracy, in the fight against corruption and populism, in the protection of local self-government and in building effective interaction with national governments. In autumn of 2022, Kiev joined the “Pact of Free Cities”.

On April 20, 2023, Eduard Burash, adviser to the Prime Minister of Slovakia on cross-border cooperation with Ukraine, took part in the International Summit of Cities and Regions “PARTNERSHIP FOR VICTORY”, which was held in Kyiv at the initiative of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi. The event was held with the aim of expanding the horizons of cooperation of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities under the President with representatives of local communities around the world and involving them in supporting Ukraine. Within the framework of the Summit, E. Burash, adviser to the Prime Minister of Slovakia on cross-border cooperation with Ukraine, visited Borodyanka and Bucha, which were destroyed by russia, and honored the memory of the victims of russia’s aggression against Ukraine.

On May 30, 2023, during the visit of the delegation of the Pryashiv region to Ukraine (Uzhhorod, Transcarpathian region) a cooperation agreement was signed and humanitarian aid for Transcarpathia was handed over.

  • €1.7 million worth of medical supply.[264]
  • 300 generators given to Ukraine [December 2022].[265]
* Purchases by the Ukrainian or EU governments from Slovak defence companies. ** Deliveries from Slovak stocks through the German Ringtausch programme. Fighter jets (13)
  • 10 MiG-29AS’/UBS’ [March and April 2023] (some to be used as a source of spare parts).
  • MiG-29As/UB [March and April 2023] (to be used as a source of spare parts).
Transport and utility helicopters (5) Surface-to-air missile (SAM) systems (1 battery and 2 launchers) Radars (4)
  • SURN 1S91 (for 2K12M2 Kub-M2).
  • 1 5N63S ‘Flap Lid B’ (for S-300PMU).
  • 1 5N66M ‘Clam Shell’ (for S-300PMU).
  • 1 36D6 ‘Tin Shield’ (for S-300PMU).
Self-propelled artillery (24)
  • 24 155mm ShKH Zuzana 2s* (8 purchased by Ukraine, 16 purchased by Germany, Norway and Denmark) [delivered from January 2023 onwards].
Infantry fighting vehicles (30)
  • 30 BVP-1s** [November 2022] (from Slovak stocks through the Ringtausch programme).
Engineering vehicles and equipment (2)
  • 2 Bozena 5 mine clearance systems [January 2023].
Man-portable air defence systems (MANPADS) (100)
  • 100 man-portable air defence systems [2022].
Anti-tank guided missiles
  • ”anti-tank guided missiles” [February or March 2022].
Small arms
  • ”small arms” [early 2022].
Air-to-air missiles
  • R-27R1 beyond-visual-range AAMs (for MiG-29 fighter jet) [March/April 2023].
  • R-73E short-range AAMs (for MiG-29 fighter jet) [March/April 2023].
  • R-60MK short-range AAMs (for MiG-29 fighter jet) [March/April 2023].
Air-to-ground weaponry
  • B-8 rocket pods (for MiG-29 fighter jet) [March/April 2023].
  • 5V55R surface-to-air missiles (for S-300PMU) [April 2022].
  • 52 3M9ME surface-to-air missiles (for 2K12M2 Kub-M2) [to be delivered].
  • 148 3M9M3E surface-to-air missiles (for 2K12M2 Kub-M2) [to be delivered].
  • 486 ”air defence missiles” (for MANPADS) [2022].
  • 155mm M107 ammunition (for SPGs) [before June 2022. supplies ongoing].
  • 122mm ammunition (for SPGs) [to be delivered].
  • 152mm ammunition (for SPGs) [to be delivered].
  • Thousands of 122mm rockets (for BM-21 Grad MRL) [early 2022].
  • 12,000 rounds of 120mm mortar ammunition [early 2022].
  • 57mm ammunition (for AZP S-60 AA Gun) [before May 2022].
  • 80mm S-8 unguided rockets (for MiG-29 fighter jet) [March/April 2023].
Military clothing and gear
  • Winter clothing [early 2023].
Miscellaneous equipment
  • MiG-29 fighter jet spare parts [March and April 2023].
  • Ground operating equipment for MiG-29 fighter jet [March and April 2023].
  • 2 million litres of aviation fuel [early 2022].
  • 10 million litres of diesel [early 2022].