TB Bank OAO is a state-owned bank, and, together with its subsidiaries (“the VTB Group”), is Russia’s second-largest banking group. The VTB Group has more than 1,600 offices in Russia, and operates more than 30 banks in 23 countries across Europe, Asia, and Africa. The VTB Group offers financial services including retail, corporate and investment banking; brokering and other stock-market services; insurance; asset management for pension and unit funds; and leasing. VTB Bank’s shares are traded on the Moscow Exchange and on the London Stock Exchange.

DECEMBER 22, 2015

Today, OFAC also identified a number of subsidiaries of VTB Bank, Sberbank, and Rostec as being owned 50 percent or more by their respective parent entities.  The two banks and one defense company were previously sanctioned pursuant to E.O. 13662 in September 2014.  The subsidiaries identified today were already subject to the same financing restrictions as their respective parent entities per OFAC’s Revised Guidance on Entities Owned by Persons Whose Property and Interests in Property Are Blocked (“50 percent rule guidance”), which can be found here.  These identifications will help the public more effectively comply with the sanctions on VTB Bank, Sberbank, and Rostec.

BANCO VTB AFRICA, S.A. (a.k.a. VTB AFRICA), 22, Rua da Missao, Luanda, Angola; SWIFT/BIC VTBLAOLU; Website; Executive Order 13662 Directive Determination – Subject to Directive 1; For more information on directives, please visit the following link: [UKRAINE-EO13662] (Linked To: VTB BANK OAO).

BANK VTB (KAZAKHSTAN), JSC (a.k.a. JOINT STOCK COMPANY VTB BANK (KAZAKHSTAN); a.k.a. SUBSIDIARY JSC BANK VTB (KAZAKHSTAN)), 28 v Timiryazeva str., Almaty 050040, Kazakhstan; 28 Timiryazev Street, Almaty 050040, Kazakhstan; SWIFT/BIC VTBAKZKZ; Website; Executive Order 13662 Directive Determination – Subject to Directive 1; For more information on directives, please visit the following link: [UKRAINE-EO13662] (Linked To: VTB BANK OAO).

BANK VTB 24 PUBLIC JOINT STOCK COMPANY (f.k.a. BANK VTB 24 (ZAKRYTOE AKTSIONERNOE OBSHCHESTVO); a.k.a. BANK VTB 24 CLOSED JOINT STOCK COMPANY; a.k.a. BANK VTB 24 PUBLICHNOE AKTSIONERNOE OBSHCHESTVO; a.k.a. VTB 24 JSC; a.k.a. VTB 24 PAO), d. 35 ul. Myasnitskaya, Moscow 101000, Russia; SWIFT/BIC CBGURUMM; Website; Executive Order 13662 Directive Determination – Subject to Directive 1; Registration ID 1027739207462 (Russia); For more information on directives, please visit the following link: [UKRAINE-EO13662] (Linked To: VTB BANK OAO).

JOINT STOCK COMPANY HALS-DEVELOPMENT (a.k.a. GALS-DEVELOPMENT, OAO; a.k.a. HALS DEVELOPMENT OJSC; a.k.a. HALS-DEVELOPMENT JSC; a.k.a. HALS-DEVELOPMENT, OJSC; a.k.a. OTKRYTOE AKTSIONERNOE OBSHCHESTVO GALS DEVELOPMENT; f.k.a. ZAKRYTOE AKTSIONERNOE OBSHCHESTVO SISTEMA HALS), d. 35 str. 4 ul. Tatarskaya B, Moscow 115184, Russia; Website; Executive Order 13662 Directive Determination – Subject to Directive 1; Registration ID 1027739002510 (Russia); For more information on directives, please visit the following link: [UKRAINE-EO13662] (Linked To: VTB BANK OAO).

MULTICARTA (a.k.a. MULTICARTA, LTD; a.k.a. MULTIKARTA, OOO; a.k.a. OBSHCHESTVO S OGRANICHENNOI OTVETSTVENNOSTYU MULTIKARTA), d. 43 korp. 1 ul. Vorontsovskaya, Moscow 109147, Russia; Website; Executive Order 13662 Directive Determination – Subject to Directive 1; Registration ID 1027739116404 (Russia); For more information on directives, please visit the following link: [UKRAINE-EO13662] (Linked To: VTB BANK OAO).

NPF VTB PENSION FUND, JSC (a.k.a. AKTSIONERNOE OBSHCHESTVO NEGOSUDARSTVENNY PENSIONNY FOND VTB PENSIONNY FOND; f.k.a. NEKOMMERCHESKAYA ORGANIZATSIYA NEGOSUDARSTVENNY PENSIONNY FOND VTB PENSIONNY FOND; a.k.a. NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION NON-STATE PENSION FUND VTB PENSION FUND; a.k.a. NON-STATE PENSION FUND VTB PENSION FUND, JSC; a.k.a. NPF VTB PENSIONNY FOND, AO), d. 43 str. 1 ul. Vorontsovskaya, Moscow 109147, Russia; Executive Order 13662 Directive Determination – Subject to Directive 1; Registration ID 1147799014692 (Russia); For more information on directives, please visit the following link: [UKRAINE-EO13662] (Linked To: VTB BANK OAO).

PJSC VTB BANK (KIEV) (a.k.a. PUBLICHNE AKTSIONERNE TOVARYSTVO VTB BANK; a.k.a. PUBLIC-JOINT STOCK COMPANY VTB BANK (UKRAINE); a.k.a. VTB BANK, PJSC; a.k.a. VTB BANK, PJSC (UKRAINE); a.k.a. VTB BANK, PUBLIC JOINT STOCK COMPANY), 8/26, Shevchenka boulevard/Pushkinska street, Kyiv 01004, Ukraine; 8/26 Pushkinskaya str/Shevchenko bulvr, Kiev 01004, Ukraine; SWIFT/BIC VTBRUAUK; Website; Executive Order 13662 Directive Determination – Subject to Directive 1; Government Gazette Number 14359319 (Ukraine); For more information on directives, please visit the following link: [UKRAINE-EO13662] (Linked To: VTB BANK OAO).

VTB BANK (ARMENIA), CJSC (f.k.a. SAVINGS BANK OF THE REPUBLIC OF ARMENIA; a.k.a. VTB BANK (ARMENIA) CJSC), 46 Ul Nalbandyan, Yerevan 375010, Armenia; SWIFT/BIC ARMJAM22; Website; Executive Order 13662 Directive Determination – Subject to Directive 1; For more information on directives, please visit the following link: [UKRAINE-EO13662] (Linked To: VTB BANK OAO).

VTB BANK (AUSTRIA) AG, Parking 6, PO Box 560, Vienna 1010, Austria; SWIFT/BIC DOBAATWW; Website; Executive Order 13662 Directive Determination – Subject to Directive 1; Registration ID FN 117595 i; For more information on directives, please visit the following link: [UKRAINE-EO13662] (Linked To: VTB BANK OAO).

VTB BANK (AZERBAIJAN), OJSC (a.k.a. BANK VTB (AZERBAIJAN) OJSC; a.k.a. JSC VTB BANK (AZERBAIJAN); f.k.a. OJSC AF BANK), 38 Khatai ave. Nasimi district, Baku AZ 1008, Azerbaijan; 60, Samed Vurgun str, Baku 1022, Azerbaijan; SWIFT/BIC VTBAAZ22; Website; Executive Order 13662 Directive Determination – Subject to Directive 1; For more information on directives, please visit the following link: [UKRAINE-EO13662] (Linked To: VTB BANK OAO).

VTB BANK (BELARUS), CJSC (f.k.a. CJSC SLAVNEFTEBANK; a.k.a. CJSC VTB BANK (BELARUS); a.k.a. VTB BANK (BELARUS); a.k.a. VTB BANK (BELARUS) CLOSED JOINT STOCK COMPANY), 14, Moskovskaya Street, Minsk 220007, Belarus; SWIFT/BIC SLANBY22; Website; Executive Order 13662 Directive Determination – Subject to Directive 1; For more information on directives, please visit the following link: [UKRAINE-EO13662] (Linked To: VTB BANK OAO).

VTB BANK (GEORGIA), JSC (a.k.a. JSC VTB BANK (GEORGIA); a.k.a. JSC VTB BANK GEORGIA; f.k.a. UNITED GEORGIAN BANK), 14, G. Chanturia Street, Tbilisi 0114, Georgia; SWIFT/BIC UGEBGE22; Website; Executive Order 13662 Directive Determination – Subject to Directive 1; For more information on directives, please visit the following link: [UKRAINE-EO13662] (Linked To: VTB BANK OAO).

VTB BANK JSC BELGRADE (f.k.a. MOSKOVSKA BANKA AD; a.k.a. VTB BANKA AD BEOGRAD), 2 Balkanska street, Belgrade 11 000, Serbia; SWIFT/BIC MBBGRSBG; Website; Executive Order 13662 Directive Determination – Subject to Directive 1; For more information on directives, please visit the following link: [UKRAINE-EO13662] (Linked To: VTB BANK OAO).

VTB CAPITAL HOLDING CJSC (a.k.a. HOLDING VTB CAPITAL, CJSC; a.k.a. KHOLDING VTB KAPITAL ZAKRYTOE AKTSIONERNOE OBSHCHESTVO; a.k.a. VTB CAPITAL HOLDING ZAO), 12 Presnenskaya nab., Moscow 123100, Russia; Website; Executive Order 13662 Directive Determination – Subject to Directive 1; Registration ID 1097746344596 (Russia); For more information on directives, please visit the following link: [UKRAINE-EO13662] (Linked To: VTB BANK OAO).

VTB DC, LTD, Room 47, office XIV, 8 Brestskaya Street, Moscow 125047, Russia; Executive Order 13662 Directive Determination – Subject to Directive 1; For more information on directives, please visit the following link: [UKRAINE-EO13662] (Linked To: VTB BANK OAO).

VTB FACTORING, LTD (a.k.a. OBSHCHESTVO S OGRANICHENNOI OTVETSTVENNOSTYU VTB FAKTORING; a.k.a. VTB FACTORING LIMITED; a.k.a. VTB FAKTORING, OOO), d. 52 str. 1 nab.Kosmodamianskaya, Moscow 115054, Russia; Website; Executive Order 13662 Directive Determination – Subject to Directive 1; Registration ID 5087746611145 (Russia); For more information on directives, please visit the following link: [UKRAINE-EO13662] (Linked To: VTB BANK OAO).

VTB INSURANCE LIMITED (a.k.a. INSURANCE COMPANY VTB-INSURANCE LIMITED; a.k.a. INSURANCE COMPANY VTB-INSURANCE, LTD; f.k.a. OBSHCHESTVO S OGRANICHENNOI OTVETSTVENNOSTYU STRAKHOVOI KAPITAL; a.k.a. VTB STRAKHOVANIE SK OOO; a.k.a. VTB STRAKHOVANIE STRAKHOVAYA KOMPANIYA OOO), str. 1 8 Chistoprudnyy bulvar, Moscow 101000, Russia; Website; Executive Order 13662 Directive Determination – Subject to Directive 1; Registration ID 1027700462514 (Russia); For more information on directives, please visit the following link: [UKRAINE-EO13662] (Linked To: VTB BANK OAO).

VTB LEASING OPEN JOINT-STOCK COMPANY (a.k.a. JSC VTB LEASING; a.k.a. VTB LIZING, OAO; a.k.a. VTB LIZING, OTKRYTOE AKTSIONERNOE OBSHCHESTVO; a.k.a. VTB-LEASING, OJSC), 2nd Volkonskiy pereulok 10, Moscow 127473, Russia; 43 str. 1 ul. Vorontsovskaya, Moscow 109147, Russia; Website; Executive Order 13662 Directive Determination – Subject to Directive 1; Registration ID 1037700259244 (Russia); For more information on directives, please visit the following link: [UKRAINE-EO13662] (Linked To: VTB BANK OAO).

VTB PENSION ADMINISTRATOR, LIMITED (a.k.a. OBSHCHESTVO S OGRANICHENNOI OTVETSTVENNOSTYU VTB PENSIONNY ADMINISTRATOR; a.k.a. VTB PENSION ADMINISTRATOR, LTD; a.k.a. VTB PENSIONNY ADMINISTRATOR, OOO), d. 52 str. 1 nab.Kosmodamianskaya, Moscow 115054, Russia; Executive Order 13662 Directive Determination – Subject to Directive 1; Registration ID 1097746178232 (Russia); For more information on directives, please visit the following link: [UKRAINE-EO13662] (Linked To: VTB BANK OAO).

VTB REAL ESTATE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY (a.k.a. OBSHCHESTVO S OGRANICHENNOI OTVETSTVENNOSTYU VTB NEDVIZHIMOST; a.k.a. VTB NEDVIZHIMOST, OOO; a.k.a. VTB REAL ESTATE, LLC), d.70 ul. Mosfilmovskaya, Moscow 119590, Russia; Executive Order 13662 Directive Determination – Subject to Directive 1; Registration ID 1117746272907 (Russia); For more information on directives, please visit the following link: [UKRAINE-EO13662] (Linked To: VTB BANK OAO).

VTB REGISTRAR, CJSC (a.k.a. VTB REGISTRAR), 23, Pravdy Street, Moscow 125040, Russia; Website; Executive Order 13662 Directive Determination – Subject to Directive 1; For more information on directives, please visit the following link: [UKRAINE-EO13662] (Linked To: VTB BANK OAO).

VTB SPECIALIZED DEPOSITORY, CJSC (a.k.a. CJS VTB SPECIALIZED DEPOSITORY), 35 Myasnitskaya Street, Moscow 101000, Russia; Website; Executive Order 13662 Directive Determination – Subject to Directive 1; For more information on directives, please visit the following link: [UKRAINE-EO13662] (Linked To: VTB BANK OAO).

VTB BANK OAO (f.k.a. BANK VNESHNEY TORGOVLI ROSSIYSKOY FEDERATSII, CLOSED JOINT-STOCK COMPANY; f.k.a. BANK VNESHNEY TORGOVLI RSFSR; f.k.a. BANK VNESHNEY TORGOVLI, JOINT-STOCK COMPANY; f.k.a. BANK VNESHNEY TORGOVLI, OPEN JOINT-STOCK COMPANY; a.k.a. BANK VTB OAO; a.k.a. BANK VTB, OPEN JOINT-STOCK COMPANY; a.k.a. JSC VTB BANK; f.k.a. VNESHTORGBANK; f.k.a. VNESHTORGBANK ROSSII, CLOSED JOINT-STOCK COMPANY; a.k.a. VTB BANK, OPEN JOINT-STOCK COMPANY), 29, Bolshaya Morskaya str., St. Petersburg 190000, Russia; 37 Plyushchikha ul., Moscow 119121, Russia; 43, Vorontsovskaya str., Moscow 109044, Russia; SWIFT/BIC VTBRRUMM; Website; Registration ID 1027739609391 (Russia); Tax ID No. 7702070139 (Russia); Government Gazette Number 00032520 (Russia); License 1000 (Russia); The following transactions by U.S. persons or within the United States are hereby prohibited:  transacting in, providing financing for, or otherwise dealing in new debt of longer than 90 days maturity or new equity for these persons (listed here), their property, or their interests in property.  All other transactions with these persons or involving any property in which one or more of these persons has an interest are permitted, provided such transactions do not otherwise involve property or interests in property of a person blocked pursuant to Executive Orders 13660, 13661, or 13662, or any other sanctions programs implemented by the Office of Foreign Assets Control. [UKRAINE-EO13662]. -to- VTB BANK OAO (f.k.a. BANK VNESHNEY TORGOVLI ROSSIYSKOY FEDERATSII, CLOSED JOINT-STOCK COMPANY; f.k.a. BANK VNESHNEY TORGOVLI RSFSR; f.k.a. BANK VNESHNEY TORGOVLI, JOINT-STOCK COMPANY; f.k.a. BANK VNESHNEY TORGOVLI, OPEN JOINT-STOCK COMPANY; a.k.a. BANK VTB OAO; a.k.a. BANK VTB, OPEN JOINT-STOCK COMPANY; a.k.a. JSC VTB BANK; f.k.a. VNESHTORGBANK; f.k.a. VNESHTORGBANK ROSSII, CLOSED JOINT-STOCK COMPANY; a.k.a. VTB BANK, OPEN JOINT-STOCK COMPANY)|, 29, Bolshaya Morskaya str., St. Petersburg 190000, Russia; 37 Plyushchikha ul., Moscow 119121, Russia; 43, Vorontsovskaya str., Moscow 109044, Russia; SWIFT/BIC VTBRRUMM; Website; Executive Order 13662 Directive Determination – Subject to Directive 1; Registration ID 1027739609391 (Russia); Tax ID No. 7702070139 (Russia); Government Gazette Number 00032520 (Russia); License 1000 (Russia); For more information on directives.| [UKRAINE-EO13662].
VTB BANK OAO (f.k.a. BANK VNESHNEY TORGOVLI ROSSIYSKOY FEDERATSII, CLOSED JOINT-STOCK COMPANY; f.k.a. BANK VNESHNEY TORGOVLI RSFSR; f.k.a. BANK VNESHNEY TORGOVLI, JOINT-STOCK COMPANY; f.k.a. BANK VNESHNEY TORGOVLI, OPEN JOINT-STOCK COMPANY; a.k.a. BANK VTB OAO; a.k.a. BANK VTB, OPEN JOINT-STOCK COMPANY; a.k.a. JSC VTB BANK; f.k.a. VNESHTORGBANK; f.k.a. VNESHTORGBANK ROSSII, CLOSED JOINT-STOCK COMPANY; a.k.a. VTB BANK, OPEN JOINT-STOCK COMPANY), 29, Bolshaya Morskaya str., St. Petersburg 190000, Russia; 37 Plyushchikha ul., Moscow 119121, Russia; 43, Vorontsovskaya str., Moscow 109044, Russia; SWIFT/BIC VTBRRUMM; Website; Registration ID 1027739609391 (Russia); Tax ID No. 7702070139 (Russia); Government Gazette Number 00032520 (Russia); License 1000 (Russia); The following transactions by U.S. persons or within the United States are hereby prohibited:  transacting in, providing financing for, or otherwise dealing in new debt of longer than 90 days maturity or new equity for these persons (listed here), their property, or their interests in property.  All other transactions with these persons or involving any property in which one or more of these persons has an interest are permitted, provided such transactions do not otherwise involve property or interests in property of a person blocked pursuant to Executive Orders 13660, 13661, or 13662, or any other sanctions programs implemented by the Office of Foreign Assets Control. [UKRAINE-EO13662]. -to- VTB BANK OAO (f.k.a. BANK VNESHNEY TORGOVLI ROSSIYSKOY FEDERATSII, CLOSED JOINT-STOCK COMPANY; f.k.a. BANK VNESHNEY TORGOVLI RSFSR; f.k.a. BANK VNESHNEY TORGOVLI, JOINT-STOCK COMPANY; f.k.a. BANK VNESHNEY TORGOVLI, OPEN JOINT-STOCK COMPANY; a.k.a. BANK VTB OAO; a.k.a. BANK VTB, OPEN JOINT-STOCK COMPANY; a.k.a. JSC VTB BANK; f.k.a. VNESHTORGBANK; f.k.a. VNESHTORGBANK ROSSII, CLOSED JOINT-STOCK COMPANY; a.k.a. VTB BANK, OPEN JOINT-STOCK COMPANY)|, 29, Bolshaya Morskaya str., St. Petersburg 190000, Russia; 37 Plyushchikha ul., Moscow 119121, Russia; 43, Vorontsovskaya str., Moscow 109044, Russia; SWIFT/BIC VTBRRUMM; Website; Executive Order 13662 Directive Determination – Subject to Directive 1; Registration ID 1027739609391 (Russia); Tax ID No. 7702070139 (Russia); Government Gazette Number 00032520 (Russia); License 1000 (Russia); For more information on directives.| [UKRAINE-EO13662].