United Shipbuilding Corporation, which was established pursuant to a March 21, 2007 presidential order, is a Russian state-owned company that manufactures, among other things, ordnance and accessories, and is engaged in shipbuilding, repair, and maintenance. United Shipbuilding Corporation designs and constructs ships for the Russian Navy and is the largest shipbuilding company in Russia. This addition expands upon the list of eight defense technology firms designated on July 16.
UNITED SHIPBUILDING CORPORATION (a.k.a. OBEDINENNAYA SUDOSTROITELNAYA KORPORATSIYA OAO; a.k.a. OJSC UNITED SHIPBUILDING CORPORATION; a.k.a. UNITED SHIPBUILDING CORPORATION JOINT STOCK COMPANY; a.k.a. “OSK OAO”), 90, Marata ul., St. Petersburg 191119, Russia; 11, Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya str., Moscow 123242, Russia; Website http://www.oaoosk.ru/; Email Address info@oaoosk.ru [UKRAINE2].