Designations Regarding Crimean Entities (E.O. 13685)
Today’s action also targets the following 18 construction, transportation, and defense entities pursuant to E.O. 13685, which authorizes sanctions on, among others, any person determined to operate in the Crimea region of Ukraine. Except as otherwise noted, the persons listed below are designated for operating in the Crimea region of Ukraine.
Entities Operating in Crimean Maritime Sector
Finally, the Sovfracht-Sovmortrans Group is designated pursuant to E.O. 13685 because it operates in the Crimea region of Ukraine.
SOVFRACHT-SOVMORTRANS GROUP (a.k.a. SOVFRACHT-SOVMORTRANS; a.k.a. SOVFRAKHT-SOVMORTRANS), Rakhmanovskiy lane, 4, bld.1, Morskoy House, Moscow 127994, Russia; Dobroslobodskaya, 3 BC Basmanov, Moscow 105066, Russia [UKRAINE-EO13685].