South Korea does not supply lethal weapons to Ukraine:
- South Korea lent 550,000 rounds of M107 155 mm artillery shells to the United States in 2022 and 2023, which the shells were originally produced by the United States and brought to South Korea between 1974 to 1978 as WRSA-K (War Reserve Stockpile for Allies–Korea) then transferred the ownership to South Korea. Since South Korea law prohibits sale or transfer of lethal weapons to Ukraine, the shells filled the U.S. inventory while the United States supplied Ukraine from its own inventory. The United States requires to sign a contract with South Korean company for recompense, and South Korean military seeks to receive the state-of-art ammunition instead of old M107.[405][406][407]
- South Korea provided 100 million KRW worth of non-lethal military supplies such as bulletproof vests, helmets, gas masks, medical supplies, ready-to-eat (MREs), etc, which were originally to be delivered to the military of Afghanistan. Delievered via NATO in March 2022.[408][409][410] As of July 2023, South Korea sent a total of 4.85 billion KRW worth of non-lethal supplies in four occations, with portable mine detectors and bomb proof suits included in the 4th shipment.[411]
- South Korea donated $100 million USD (as of Dec 2022) to international organization for humanitarian aid in Ukraine.[412]
- Bilateral ODA to be increased by designating Ukraine as key 중점협력국 “Priority Cooperation Country” for years 2021–2025.[413][414]