Lithuania and Ukraine

Lithuania is the fourth on the per GDP and deeply supportive of Ukraine’s victory to drive the Russian invaders out its territory.

Total commitments

0.934bn € (Rank: 18)

1.543% of GDP (Rank: 4)

Military commitments

0.825bn € (Rank: 13)

1.362% of GDP (Rank: 3)

Humanitarian commitments

0.068bn € (Rank: 25)

0.112% of GDP (Rank: 4)

Financial commitments

0.042bn € (Rank: 19)

0.069% of GDP (Rank: 11)

Video from Zelenskyy TG, in Kyiv, Text of From Ukrainian Foreign Ministry



Political relations and multidimensional partnership between Ukraine and the Republic of Lithuania

The political dialogue between Ukraine and the Republic of Lithuania has been traditionally active since the establishment of diplomatic relations on December 12, 1991. On May 12, 2008, Ukraine and the Republic of Lithuania established a strategic partnership. Regular result-oriented contacts at the highest and high level these days play a decisive role in coordinating interstate cooperation to defeat the common enemy.

President Gitanas Nausėda, Speaker Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen, Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė, Minister of Foreign Affairs Gabrielius Landsbergis, Minister of Defense Arvydas Anušauskas were among the first foreign high-ranking officials to visit Ukraine and the city of Kyiv since the beginning of the full-scale russian invasion on February 24, 2022.

Lithuanian parliamentarians, including those in the European Parliament, were initiators of the creation and are active participants today of the global inter-parliamentary network in support for Ukraine “United for Ukraine/U4U”.

The deepening of political interaction and interagency cooperation is being promoted by the following institutional mechanisms:

  • Lublin Triangle regional alliance of Ukraine, the Republic of Lithuania, and the Republic of Poland.
  • Interparliamentary Assembly of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania, the Sejm and the Senate of the Republic of Poland.
  • Assembly of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania.
  • Intergovernmental Ukrainian-Lithuanian Commission on Trade-Economic and Scientific-Technical Cooperation.

Support and solidarity of Lithuania and Lithuanians

Lithuania took an active position in supporting Ukraine’s European choice during the Revolution of Dignity in 2013-2014, strongly condemned the occupation and attempted illegal annexation of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, russian military aggression against Ukraine, the blockade of the Black and Azov Seas in 2014.

The Lithuanian side was one of the first to support the establishment of the “International Crimean Platform” in 2021, a Ukrainian initiative on the de-occupation of Crimea.

Lithuania extended a helping hand to Ukrainians when they needed it the most. Since the beginning of the full-scale war of the russian federation Lithuania’s political support and multifaceted assistance are unique. “Military, political, economic, and humanitarian assistance – there is no area in which Ukraine would not feel Lithuania’s sincerity and determination,” President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said in a video address at the international conference on Ukraine hosted by Vytautas Magnus University on February 24, 2023.

Lithuania provided home to more than 77 thousand Ukrainians, mostly women and children, who fled the war. Creating conditions for employment, medical care, education, including in Ukrainian was an important effort for Ukrainians to feel like welcome guests rather than war refugees in Lithuania.

The first cultural and educational space in the EU, the Ukrainian Centre, was opened in Vilnius on June 11, 2022 at the initiative and under the patronage of the First Lady of Ukraine Mrs. Olena Zelenska and the First Lady of Lithuania Mrs. Diana Nausėdienė. During the first year of its operation, the Centre hosted more than 1700 events for adults and children from Ukraine who have found temporary home in Lithuania. Every day, the Ukrainian Centre hosts various cultural events, training courses, English, Lithuanian and Ukrainian conversation clubs, creative workshops, sports sections and provides ongoing psychological assistance by qualified specialists. More than 20,000 people have visited the institution, which is a record number even among visitors to Lithuanian cultural and educational institutions. With the support of the First Lady of Lithuania, the Ukrainian Centre has implemented two projects of the First Lady of Ukraine Olena Zelenska – “Ukrainian Bookshelf” and “Books without Borders” – that allow Ukrainian citizens to keep in touch with their homeland. Under the Books Without Borders project, in coordination with the Ukrainian Book Institute, more than 3,000 books for children of all ages were brought to Lithuania. According to the concept of the Ukrainian Centre’s development, in the long term, the Centre will serve as a platform for enhancing cultural and humanitarian cooperation between Ukraine and Lithuania, as well as an institution competent to provide expert assistance to Ukraine on a wide range of issues, including Ukraine’s preparation for EU membership.

The resolve of the Lithuanian people to support Ukraine is unprecedented – 70 % of the population have donated material goods and money to Ukraine. In 2022, significant sums were collected in record time for the first “people’s” drone “Bayraktar” (over 5.95 million euros in 3 days in May), marine drones (1.5 million euros in August), in 2023 year – for military radars (14 million euros in February).

Lithuania’s total support for Ukraine, including by non-governmental organizations, businesses, and individuals, is approaching 1.5 per cent of GDP.

Mass rallies of support for Ukraine which have been held on Cathedral Square in Vilnius every Monday since February 22, 2022, are yet another sign of unity and a unique solidarity of Lithuanian brothers and sisters with Ukrainians.

Since the beginning of the war, Lithuania promptly provided alternative routes for the export of Ukrainian grain. It was one of the first countries to support the humanitarian initiative of President Volodymyr Zelenskyy “Grain from Ukraine”. Now Lithuania strongly supports the Peace Formula of the Head of the Ukrainian State, actively cooperating on two tracks – “Restoration of Justice” and “Energy security”.

In 2022, Lithuania was the leader among EU member states in providing generators and transformers for the restoration of the Ukrainian energy sector after russian bombardments of civilian infrastructure. After russian terrorists blew up the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant, Lithuania was one of the first to decide to provide financial and humanitarian aid to Ukraine.

A number of important projects for the reconstruction of Ukraine are being carried out today with the funds of the Government of Lithuania.

From the very beginning of the full-scale war, Lithuania has taken a firm position on the need for the EU’s strictest sanctions track against Russia. In 2022, Lithuania was a leader in the EU in introducing powerful national sanctions against the russian federation – it was the first to stop the import of russian oil and gas, promptly banned the broadcasting of russian TV channels, and stopped issuing visas to citizens of the aggressor country. Currently, Lithuania is actively advocating the extension of sanctions on russian nuclear energy (Rosatom), dual-purpose goods, diamonds, calling on the need to use russia’s frozen assets to rebuild Ukraine.

Lithuania was also the first EU member state to decide to expel the russian ambassador (April 4, 2022).

In April 2022, Lithuania was among the promoters of the establishment of a Joint Investigation Team to investigate war crimes and crimes against humanity committed on the territory of Ukraine.

Lithuania co-authored/supported all the Ukraine-related resolutions of the UN General Assembly and the European Parliament, including on the establishment the Special Tribunal to prosecute russia for the crime of aggression, and actively participates in the activities of the Core group.

Since February 24, 2022, the Seimas of Lithuania has adopted more than 10 resolutions in support for Ukraine and condemnation of the russian federation. On May 10, 2022, the Seimas was the first foreign parliament to recognize russia as a state sponsor and perpetrator of acts of terrorism (by the same resolution, the actions of the russian federation in Ukraine were recognized as genocide Ukrainian people).

Lithuania is a faithful ally and a reliable partner of Ukraine on its way to European and Euro-Atlantic integration.

It was one of the first member states of the European Union to ratify the Association agreement between Ukraine and the EU under a shortened procedure. Lithuania became the first EU member state with which Ukraine signed the “Joint Declaration on the European Perspective of Ukraine” (March 18, 2021). Later on, Lithuania was one of the first to advocate for granting Ukraine the status of a candidate country for EU membership and contributed to this at the expert level. On March 10, 2022, the Seimas of Lithuania adopted the resolution “On the granting of EU candidate status to Ukraine and Ukraine’s full membership of the European Union”.

At the European Council meeting on June 23, 2022, Lithuania voted to grant Ukraine the status of a candidate country for EU membership. Today Lithuania supports the launch, by the end of 2023, of pre-accession negotiations on EU membership of Ukraine. Vilnius’ position is that not only Ukraine needs Europe, but Europe also needs Ukraine, with its vibrant energy and determination to achieve ultimate goals.

Support for the prospect of Ukraine becoming a member of the EU and NATO as soon as conditions permit is stated in the Joint Declaration of the Presidents of Ukraine, Lithuania and Poland following the second Summit of the Lublin Triangle in Lviv on January 11, 2023.

Lithuania advocates Ukraine’s practical rapprochement with the Alliance, stressing the critical importance of Ukraine’s membership in NATO as soon as possible for the sake of the security of the transatlantic space. The Seimas’ resolution of April 6, 2023, affirms, among the key goals of Lithuania at the Vilnius NATO Summit: “2. to give full support to Ukraine through practical measures, including NATO’s political support, recognizing the necessity to invite Ukraine to join NATO at the NATO Summit to be held in Vilnius (by signing accession protocols and initiating the ratification process when the conditions are right), as a strategic solution by NATO to achieve peace in Ukraine and Europe; to seek an increasingly deeper integration of Ukraine into NATO’s structures and processes prior to Ukraine’s accession to NATO”.    

Concerning Ukraine’s counteraction to russian full-scale aggression, Lithuania’s position is resolute: Ukraine is struggling for freedom, independence and democratic future in Europe; all modern weapons including combat aircraft and long-range missiles must be delivered on time and in the necessary quantity to Ukraine; nobody has the right to tell Ukraine that it has to make “territorial or other concessions” to the aggressor to achieve peace; a mere cease-fire and appeasement called “peace” will eventually encourage the russian regime to continue its military expansion; lasting peace in Europe requires Ukraine’s victory on the battlefield and the quickest possible accountability of russian criminals;  Lithuania will continue providing support until victory; victory can only be achieved through the joint efforts of all democracies.

As a sign of recognition by Lithuania of the role of Ukraine’s leadership and honoring the feat of the entire Ukrainian people in the struggle for independence, freedom and democracy the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania awarded the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy with the Freedom Prize of the Republic of Lithuania (in the form of a bronze statuette) and the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Ruslan Stefanchuk with the Star of Alexandras Stulginskis (award ceremonies were held on January 13 and June 2, 2023, respectively).

By Decree No. 30/2023 of January 24, 2023, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy, awarded the city of Vilnius the honorary title of “City-savior” for the Lithuanian capital’s humanism, mercy and solidarity with the Ukrainian people, comprehensive assistance to citizens of Ukraine who were forced to leave the Motherland as a result of russian federation’s armed aggression against Ukraine. This high distinction is another proof of our deep gratitude and sincere respect for Lithuania and Lithuanians.

The multidimensional cooperation of Ukraine and Lithuania, close people-to-people contacts are an exemplary and important contribution to peaceful life, freedom, democracy, and prosperity in our common European home.  

According to the Lithuanian Minister of National Defence, as of 6 December 2022, the total aid to Ukraine amounted to €660 million, of which the military aid was €240 million.[196]
  • €4 million in medical assistance sent on early March 2022.[197]
Air defense systems Man-portable air defence systems Anti-aircraft guns
  • 36 Bofors L70s anti-aircraft guns [Delivered from February 2023 onwards].[264]
Helicopters Towed artillery
  • 18 105mm M101 howitzers [September 2022].[266]
Self-propelled mortars Heavy mortars
  • 18 120mm heavy mortars [April 2022].[263]
Armoured personnel carriers (APCs) Vehicles
  • 10 military trucks [June 2022].[263]
  • 10 Mitsubishi L200s (For demining operations) [June 2022].[263]
  • Arctic Trucks AT42s [To be delivered].[263]
  • 7 Toyota Land Cruiser armored SUVs [October 2022].[267]
  • 5 Land Rover off-road vehicles [April 2023].[268]
Small arms (delivered along with ammunition)
  • Anti-tank weaponry [March 2022].[263]
  • 23,000 automatic rifles and machine guns [Delivered from March 2022 onwards].[263]
  • Submachine guns [March 2022].[263]
  • 4,000 pistols [2022].[263]
  • ~1,300 grenade launchers [2022].[263]
  • Grenades [March 2022].[263]
  • Additional rifles and ammunition [August 2023][262]
  • 155mm artillery rounds for PzH 2000 SPG [Delivered from December 2022 onwards].[263]
  • Maritime surveillance radar sets [August 2023] [262]
Miscellaneous equipment
  • 35,000 sets of military winter clothing [Delivered from September 2022 onwards].[263]
  • Anti-drone imaging equipment [March or April 2022 and June 2022].[263]
  • Thermal imagers [March or April 2022 and June 2022].[263]
  • Communications equipment [March 2022].[263]
  • Food rations [April 2023].
  • Reconnaissance UAVs [To be delivered].[263]
  • anti-drone systems. [262]
Training and rehabilitation
  • Training of Ukrainian soldiers since 2017 (4,000 trained between 2017 and 2021, 500 soldiers in 2022, 2,000 to be trained in 2023.[269][270]
  • Rehabilitation of wounded Ukrainian soldiers [since 2016].[271]
Financial aid
  • €29 million in military equipment by the Blue/Yellow charity since 2014.[272]