Malta and Ukraine

Establishment of diplomatic relations: March 5, 1992.

Political dialogue:

– In October 1991, a government delegation of Ukraine headed by Prime Minister Vitold Fokin visited Malta.

– On July 9-10, 2008, the first official visit of the President of Malta E. Fenech-Adami to Ukraine;

– In September 2012, the Vice Prime Minister, Minister of Health of Ukraine R. Bogatyreva visited Malta to participate in the 62nd session of the WHO Regional Committee;

– On September 4-5, 2013, the Prime Minister of Malta J. Muscat paid an official visit to Ukraine;

– in January 2017, a telephone conversation between the President of Ukraine P. Poroshenko and the Prime Minister of Malta J. Muscat;

– in February 2017, a telephone conversation between the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine P. Klimkin and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Malta G.W. Vella;

– On March 29-30, 2017, meeting of the President of Ukraine P. Poroshenko with the President of Malta M.-L. Coleiro Preca;

– On May 16-17, 2017, the President of Ukraine P. Poroshenko paid first state visit to Malta;

– On October 16-18, 2017, the first state visit of the President of Malta M.-L. Coleiro Preca to Ukraine;

– On February 26, 2019, within the framework of the 74th session of the UN General Assembly, a bilateral meeting between the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine V.Prystaiko and the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade Development of the Republic of Malta C.Abela;

– On May 18, 2021, a telephone conversation between Deputy Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine and Diplomatic Advisor I. Zhovkva and Director within the Directorate General Political, External Relations and European Affairs within the Foreign Affairs Ministry of Malta C.Bonello;

– On June 18, 2021, within the framework of the Antalya Diplomacy Forum, a bilateral meeting between the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine D.Kuleba and the Minister for Foreign and European Affairs of the Republic of Malta E.Bartolo.

– April 18, 2022 – telephone conversation between the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine D. Kuleba and the Minister of Foreign and European Affairs and Trade I. Borg.

– May 10, 2022 – address by the President of Ukraine V. Zelenskyy to the House of Representatives (Parliament) of the Republic of Malta.

– May 18, 2022 – a video-call between the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine R. Stefanchuk and the Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Malta A. Farrugia.

– June 14-15, 2022 – visit of the First Deputy Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine O. Kornienko to the Republic of Malta.

– March 10, 2023 – meeting of the First Deputy Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine O. Kornienko with the Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Malta A. Farrugia within the framework of the 146th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (Bahrain).

Key bilateral instruments:

– Memorandum of Understanding on the recognition of seamen diplomas for work on ships under the Maltese flag between the Maltese Maritime Office and the Ministry of Transport of Ukraine (signed on December 28, 2001, enter into force December 28, 2001);

– Agreement between the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the Government of Malta on cooperation in tourism (signed on July 9, 2008, enter into force July 9, 2008);

– Agreement between the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the Government of Malta on cooperation in fighting organized crime (signed on July 9, 2008, enter into force April 18, 2009);

– Memorandum of Understanding on bilateral consultations between The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Malta (signed on 17.05.2017, enter into force May 17, 2017);

– Memorandum of cooperation in the field of youth and physical culture and sports between the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine and Ministry of Education and Employment of the Republic of Malta (signed on May 17, 2017, enter into force 17, 2017);

– Memorandum on cooperation in the fields of education, science and culture between the Ministry Education and Science of Ukraine and the Ministry of Education and Employment of Malta (signed on May 17, 2017, enter into force May 17, 2017);

– Convention for the Avoidance of Double Taxation (signed on September 4, 2013, enter into force August 28, 2017).

– Agreement between the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and of Entrepreneurship of Malta on the establishment of the Ukrainian-Maltese Council (signed on October 17, 2017, enter into force October 17, 2017);

– Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine and the Ministry for the Family, Children’s Rights and Social Solidarity of the Republic of Malta on cooperation in the field of social policy (signed on September 26, 2019, enter into force September 26, 2019);

– Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine and the Ministry for the Family, Children’s Rights and Social Solidarity of the Republic of Malta on cooperation in the field of protection of the rights of the child (signed on September 26, 2019, enter into force September 26, 2019).

– Memorandum of Understanding between the State Financial Monitoring Service of Ukraine and the Financial Intelligence Analysis Unit of the Republic of Malta concerning cooperation in the area of counteraction to laundering of the proceeds from crime, associated predicate offences, financing of terrorism and financing of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction – August 26, 2021.

Economic cooperation:

According to the data of the National Statistics Office of Malta, in the first half of 2022, the trade turnover between Ukraine and Malta amounted to 3.1 million Euros. Of which, import of goods from Ukraine amounted to 2.53 million EUR, export to Ukraine – 616.5 thousand EUR.

  • The Government of Malta sent 6 containers of medicines and medical equipment worth over €1.15 million to Ukraine (March 2022).[199]
  • In January 2023, Malta shipped 20 generators and medical equipment to Ukraine.[200]
  • Treatment of two wounded Ukrainian soldiers [January 2023].[279]