Designations Regarding Crimean Entities (E.O. 13685)
Today’s action also targets the following 18 construction, transportation, and defense entities pursuant to E.O. 13685, which authorizes sanctions on, among others, any person determined to operate in the Crimea region of Ukraine. Except as otherwise noted, the persons listed below are designated for operating in the Crimea region of Ukraine.
Entities Involved in the Construction of the Kerch Bridge
PJSC Mostotrest is a major Russian construction company engaged in the construction of bridges, roads, and other transport infrastructure facilities. In March 2016, SGM-Most OOO awarded a multi-billion ruble construction contract to Mostotrest for the development of the Kerch Bridge.
PJSC MOSTOTREST (a.k.a. MOSTOTREST; a.k.a. MOSTOTREST, PAO; a.k.a. OPEN JOINT STOCK COMPANY ‘MOSTOTREST’; a.k.a. PUBLIC JOINT STOCK COMPANY MOSTOTREST), 6 Barklaya str., bld. 5, Moscow 121087, Russia; d. 6 str. 5, ul. Barklaya, Moscow 121087, Russia; Website; Email Address; MICEX Code MSTT; Registration ID 1027739167246 (Russia); Tax ID No. 7701045732 (Russia); Identification Number ISIN: RU0009177331; Government Gazette Number 01386148 (Russia) [UKRAINE-EO13685].