Cyprus and Ukraine

Total commitments

Military commitments

Humanitarian commitments

Financial commitments

1. Recognition of Ukraine: December 27, 1991.

2. Establishment of diplomatic relations: February 19, 1992.

3. Political relations

Bilateral cooperation between Ukraine and the Republic of Cyprus is developing in the spirit of mutual understanding and trust, which is facilitated by the similarity of the positions of the two countries on many topical issues of international relations, as well as the spiritual closeness of the Ukrainian and Cypriot peoples.

Bilateral dialog between the leaderships of Ukraine and Cyprus is conducted on an ongoing basis within the framework of international events and in a bilateral format.

Recent bilateral contacts since February 24, 2022:

June 23, 2022 – telephone conversation between President of Ukraine V. Zelenskyy and President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. Anastasiades (initiated by the Ukrainian side and in the context of the EU Council’s decision to grant Ukraine the status of a candidate for membership, 23-24.06.2022). 

September 19, 2022 – a meeting between Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine D. Kuleba and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea J. Kasulidis on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly (New York).

January 12, 2023 – a telephone conversation between President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy and President of the Republic of Korea N. Anastasiades (initiated by the Ukrainian side). 

February 13, 2023 – phone call between President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy and President-elect of the Republic of Cyprus Nicos Christodoulides.

March 23, 2023 – a phone call (initiated by the Cypriot side) between the newly elected Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cyprus, Constantinos Kombos, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Dmytro Kuleba.

April 23, 2023 – a meeting of the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine R. Stefanchuk with the President of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Cyprus A. Dimitriou on the sidelines of the Conference of Speakers of the EU Parliaments in Prague.

May 13, 2023 – a protocol meeting between the Ministers for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine D.Kuleba and the Republic of Cyprus K.Combos on the sidelines of the Informal Meeting of EU Foreign Ministers (Hymnich) and the Indo-Pacific Ministerial Forum in Stockholm, Sweden.

4. Interparliamentary cooperation

Interparliamentary cooperation between Ukraine and the Republic of Cyprus is governed by the provisions of international law, bilateral documents, in particular the provisions of the Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation between the The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and the House of Representatives of the Republic of Cyprus (signed on December 16, 2011).

On October 31, 2019, in view of the early parliamentary elections in Ukraine on July 21, 2019, a new composition of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Group for Interparliamentary Relations with the Republic of Cyprus was formed, which included 9 MPs. In July 2021, the Parliamentary Friendship Group with Ukraine of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Cyprus was formed, which included 11 members of the Cypriot Parliament.

On October 25, 2022, as part of the First Summit of the Crimean Platform (parliamentary dimension), the first meeting of the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine R. Stefanchuk and the President of the House of Representatives (Parliament) of the Republic of Cyprus A. Dimitriou took place.

The priorities of interparliamentary cooperation between Ukraine and the Republic of Cyprus are to ensure the development of partnership relations between the two countries; intensification of bilateral cooperation between the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and the House of Representatives of the Republic of Cyprus, intensification of cooperation within the framework of international organizations, as well as assistance to Ukraine’s European integration progress from the Republic of Cyprus.

5. Trade and economic relations

Cyprus is a significant trading partner of Ukraine. Cooperation in the economic, scientific, technical and industrial spheres between Ukraine and Cyprus is based on the Agreement between the Government of Ukraine and the Government of the Republic of Cyprus of January 12, 2012.

According to the State Statistics Service of the Republic of Cyprus, the total trade turnover between Ukraine and Cyprus in 2022 amounted to $ 87.19 million, an increase of 1.2% compared to the same period in 2021. The volume of exports of Ukrainian goods to Cyprus in the mentioned period amounted to $ 71.99 million (in 2021 – $ 47.4 million), an increase of 15% compared to 2021, the volume of imports amounted to $ 15.2 million (in 2021 – $ 38.0 million), a decrease of 25% compared to 2021. The balance for 2022 is positive for Ukraine and amounted to $ 56.79 million.

The main components of exports of goods to Cyprus remain: cereals, fats, vegetable and animal oils, refined products, machinery, and ferrous metal products. Imports of Cypriot-made goods to Ukraine include pharmaceuticals, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, essential oils, and machine-building products.

Among the services exported to Cyprus, transportation, business, telecommunications, computer and information, and financial services prevail. At the same time, Ukraine receives services related to travel, financial activities, business, transportation, royalties, and intellectual property.

6. Bilateral economic and trade relations:

In June 2022, an online webinar “Investment Assistance to Business and International Cooperation in Times of Turbulence” was held. The event was held under the auspices of the Council of Exporters and Investors under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, with the assistance and participation of the European Business Association and the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The participants discussed ways to intensify Ukrainian-Cypriot business activity and practical mechanisms of government support for business and investors.

In November 2022, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine and the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment of Cyprus signed a Memorandum of Understanding in the field of environmental protection in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt.

In May 2023, the Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine Mykola Solskyi and the Minister of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment of the Republic of Cyprus Petros Xenophontos held an online meeting.

In July 2023, the Philippos supermarket chain in Paphos opened a “Ukrainian shelf” of food producers.

7. Cultural and humanitarian cooperation

Bilateral cooperation in the sphere of culture is based on the Agreement between the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the Government of the Republic of Cyprus on Cooperation in the Field of Culture of June 25, 2010. The Agreement promotes cooperation in all spheres of culture, literature and art, expands contacts between museums, music, theater and other institutions, facilitates the exchange of experience in the fields of cinematography, stage activities, drama, opera and ballet, etc.

Representatives of Ukraine and Cyprus regularly participate in international competitions, festivals, conferences held in both countries, organize joint cultural events, art and book exhibitions, festivals, competitions, etc.

Bilateral cooperation in the field of sports is regulated by the Agreement between the Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine and the Cyprus Sports Organization on Cooperation in the Field of Physical Culture and Sports of November 8, 2012, which allows for the development of cooperation at the level of state sports administrations and national federations in various sports and professional sports clubs.

Since the beginning of the full-scale aggression of the Russian Federation, the humanitarian direction of cooperation between the countries has significantly intensified, including the Government of the Republic of Cyprus organized the collection of financial and humanitarian aid to support Ukraine in its fight against the Russian aggressor, created appropriate conditions for the stay of temporarily displaced Ukrainians on the island, their employment, access to education, medical services, rehabilitation, etc.

8. Scientific and educational cooperation

Ukrainian-Cypriot cooperation in the field of education and science is based on the Intergovernmental Agreement on Cooperation in Higher Education of June 12, 2017.

An important component of Ukrainian-Cypriot cooperation in this area is cooperation between higher education institutions of the two countries, which includes the exchange of students and teaching staff, organization and conduct of courses, seminars and symposia, exchange of information and research results. In addition, it provides for the implementation of joint projects, research, creation of joint training programs, etc. 

This cooperation is based on 16 bilateral documents, including:

– Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation between the Hennadii Udovenko Diplomatic Academy of Ukraine under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine and the Law School of the University of Nicosia (04.02.2020);

– Memorandum of Understanding between the National University of Odesa Maritime Academy and the Cyprus Maritime Institute (01.02.2021);

– Agreement on Cooperation between V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University and the University of Cyprus (09/14/2021).

9. Legal and regulatory framework

The legal framework consists of 28 international treaties in force, the key ones being:

– Protocol on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between Ukraine and the Republic of Cyprus (February 19, 1992); 

– Agreement between the Government of Ukraine and the Government of the Republic of Cyprus on Economic, Scientific, Technical and Industrial Cooperation (January 12, 2012); 

– Agreement between the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the Government of the Republic of Cyprus on Air Services (07.09.2016); 

– Memorandum of Understanding between the Anti-Money Laundering Unit (MOKAS) of the Republic of Cyprus and the State Department of Financial Monitoring, which operates within the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, on cooperation in the exchange of financial information related to money laundering (03.08.2004); 

– Agreement between Ukraine and the Republic of Cyprus on Legal Assistance in Civil Matters (18.03.2006); 

– Agreement between the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the Government of the Republic of Cyprus on Cooperation in the Field of Tourism (10.09.2010); 

– Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cyprus on cooperation in matters related to the European Union (04.07.2011); 

– Convention between the Government of Ukraine and the Government of the Republic of Cyprus for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income (07.08.2013) and its Protocol (28.11.2019); 

– Memorandum between the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine and the Ministry of Labor, Welfare and Social Insurance of the Republic of Cyprus on Cooperation in the Social Sphere (12.06.2017).

10. Interregional cooperation

Interregional cooperation between the two countries has deep historical roots. An important aspect of the development of Ukrainian-Cypriot cooperation is the established twinning relations between cities and regions of the two countries, in particular: Odesa – Larnaca; Yalta – Limassol; Mariupol – Paphos; Sevastopol – Ayia Napa, as well as Aglandzha and Solomianskyi district of Kyiv.

In 2019, the tourist logo of Odesa, the Anchor Heart, was installed in Larnaca. The opening ceremony of the new art object was attended by Odesa Mayor Gennadiy Trukhanov and Larnaca Mayor Andreas Viras. Business relations between the cities were established 15 years ago.

In March and April 2021, online meetings of the mayors of the partner cities of Odesa and Larnaca were held in the format of video conferences. During the events, the parties discussed ways to intensify interregional cooperation in the tourism sector.

11. Ukrainian community

In January 2022, the Ukrainian community in the Republic of Cyprus numbered approximately 4 thousand people and consisted of Ukrainian women who married Cypriot citizens, labor migrants, and Ukrainian families who changed their place of residence. After February 24, 2022, due to the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation, more than 26 thousand Ukrainians arrived on the island, of whom almost 18 thousand were granted temporary protection in the Republic of Cyprus. 

On March 23, 2017, the Ukrainian community established the Association “Society of Ukrainian-Cypriot Friendship” (hereinafter referred to as the Association), which is the first and so far the only officially registered community of foreign Ukrainians in Cyprus. Since 2019, Tetiana Ioannou has been the head of the non-governmental and non-profit public association. 

The Association promotes Ukrainian culture, language, history and traditions on the island, contributes to improving the image of Ukraine, constantly draws the attention of the international community to the war against Ukraine, and also conducts active volunteer activities, organizes events to collect humanitarian aid for Ukraine, provides comprehensive assistance to Ukrainians who were forced to move to the Republic of Cyprus because of the war against Ukraine. 

With the support of the Embassy, in October 2019, the Association established a Ukrainian language, literature, culture, history and traditions study group in Limassol, which was renamed the Ukrainian Creative Studio in 2020, and in October 2020 – the Ukrainian Saturday School in Nicosia. After February 2022, the Association opened an educational and cultural club for adults “Palianytsia” in Nicosia. 

Volunteers have created a number of Ukrainian volunteer cultural and educational centers, including the Ukrainian House and Film Workshop in Paphos, the Wings Educational Space in Limassol, the Hugs Cultural Space in Larnaca, and the Deeds4kids charity organization, which organizes and conducts free art courses, including psychological support for Ukrainian children, in six European countries.  

The Ukrainian Plast movement has also developed. In September 2022, with the assistance of the Embassy, the Association opened the second Plast group for children and youth in Nicosia (the first one was opened in 2020 in Limassol).

Aid to refugees
  • On 3 March 2022, Government of Croatia approved 1.8 million kn ($264,000/€238,000) of urgent humanitarian aid to Moldova, to help Ukrainian refugees. This aid includes electricity aggregators, tents, blankets, and masks.[52]
  • On 9 April 2022, Prime Minister Andrej Plenković pledged an additional €100 million to support Ukrainian refugees currently seeking refuge in Croatia.[53]
  • £4.79 million for the cost of health services for Ukrainian refugees in Croatia.[54]
  • £863,000 for active employment policies for Ukrainian refugees in Croatia.[54]
  • £200,000 for Ukrainian students in Croatia.[54]
  • £340,000 for transportation for refugees in the country.[54]
Humanitarian aid
  • On 17 March 2022, The Croatian Medical Chamber (HLK) donated 300,000 kn in humanitarian aid to buy medical products and equipment for Ukrainian people and doctors.[55]
  • As of 23 February 2023, Croatia donated €37 million of humanitarian aid to Ukraine.[56]
  • On 31 July 2023 Croatia donated €1 million to the World Food Programme project to demine Ukrainian farmland.[57]
Humanitarian aid
  • 150 tonnes of humanitarian aid on 8 March 2022.[58]
  • 215 tonnes of humanitarian aid on 5 April 2022.[59]
Energy aid
  • €300,000 grant for the purchase of generators through Poland for the energy needs of Ukraine (on 13 December 2022).[60] The humanitarian aid sent by Cyprus reached €3 million.
Financial aid
  • Funding for production of 155mm ammunition through European Defense Agency [To be delivered].[68]
  • Technical training on landmine clearance [From May 2023 onwards].[69]