United States and Ukraine


The partner Russia hates most but Ukraine relies on for continued security, the United States has a key role in the security of the country and of Europe. This page will attempt to keep track of key details about American support for Ukraine.




24.034bn € (Rank: 1)

0.113% of GDP (Rank: 9)






Fact Sheet on U.S. Security Assistance to Ukraine

April 26, 2024

The United States has committed more than $50.9 billion in security assistance to Ukraine since the beginning of the Biden Administration, including more than $50.2 billion since the beginning of Russia’s unprovoked and brutal invasion on February 24, 2022.

Air Defense
• One Patriot air defense battery and munitions;
• 12 National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile Systems (NASAMS) and munitions;
• HAWK air defense systems and munitions;
• AIM-7, RIM-7, and AIM-9M missiles for air defense;
• More than 2,000 Stinger anti-aircraft missiles;
• Avenger air defense systems;
• VAMPIRE counter-Unmanned Aerial Systems (c-UAS) and munitions;
• c-UAS gun trucks and ammunition;
• mobile c-UAS laser-guided rocket systems;
• Other c-UAS equipment;
• Anti-aircraft guns and ammunition;
• Air defense systems components;
• Equipment to integrate Western launchers, missiles, and radars with Ukraine’s systems;
• Equipment to support and sustain Ukraine’s existing air defense capabilities;
• Equipment to protect critical national infrastructure; and
• 21 air surveillance radars.

• 39 High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems and ammunition;
• Ground-Launched Small Diameter Bomb launchers and guided rockets;
• 198 155mm Howitzers and more than 3,000,000 155mm artillery rounds;
• More than 7,000 precision-guided 155mm artillery rounds;
• More than 40,000 155mm rounds of Remote Anti-Armor Mine (RAAM) Systems;
• 72 105mm Howitzers and more than 800,000 105mm artillery rounds;
• 10,000 203mm artillery rounds;
• More than 400,000 152mm artillery rounds;
• Approximately 40,000 130mm artillery rounds;
• 40,000 122mm artillery rounds;
• 60,000 122mm GRAD rockets;
• 47 120mm mortar systems;
• 10 82mm mortar systems;
• 112 81mm mortar systems;
• 58 60mm mortar systems;
• More than 400,000 mortar rounds;
• More than 100 counter-artillery and counter-mortar radars; and
• 50 multi-mission radars;

Ground Maneuver
• 31 Abrams tanks;
• 45 T-72B tanks;
• More than 200 Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicles;
• Four Bradley Fire Support Team vehicles;
• 189 Stryker Armored Personnel Carriers;
• 300 M113 Armored Personnel Carriers;
• 250 M1117 Armored Security Vehicles;
• More than 1,000 Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) Vehicles;
• More than 3,000 High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicles (HMMWVs);
• More than 200 light tactical vehicles;
• 300 armored medical treatment vehicles;
• 80 trucks and 124 trailers to transport heavy equipment;
• More than 1,000 tactical vehicles to tow and haul equipment;
• 131 tactical vehicles to recover equipment;
• 10 command post vehicles;
• 30 ammunition support vehicles;
• 18 armored bridging systems;
• 20 logistics support vehicles and equipment;
• 239 fuel tankers and 105 fuel trailers;
• 58 water trailers;
• Six armored utility trucks;
• 125mm, 120mm, and 105mm tank ammunition;
• More than 1,800,000 rounds of 25mm ammunition; and
• Mine clearing equipment.

Aircraft and Unmanned Aerial Systems
• 20 Mi-17 helicopters;
• Switchblade Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS);
• Phoenix Ghost UAS;
• CyberLux K8 UAS;
• Altius-600 UAS;
• Jump-20 UAS;
• Hornet UAS
• Puma UAS;
• Scan Eagle UAS;
• Penguin UAS;
• Two radars for UAS;
• High-speed Anti-radiation missiles (HARMs);
• Precision aerial munitions;
• More than 6,000 Zuni aircraft rockets;
• More than 20,000 Hydra-70 aircraft rockets; and
• Munitions for UAS.

Anti-armor and Small Arms
• More than 10,000 Javelin anti-armor systems;
• More than 90,000 other anti-armor systems and munitions;
• More than 9,000 Tube-Launched, Optically-Tracked, Wire-Guided (TOW) missiles;
• More than 40,000 grenade launchers and small arms;
• More than 400,000,000 rounds of small arms ammunition and grenades;
• Laser-guided rocket systems and munitions;
• Rocket launchers and ammunition; and
• Anti-armor mines.

• Two Harpoon coastal defense systems and anti-ship missiles;
• 62 coastal and riverine patrol boats;
• Unmanned Coastal Defense Vessels; and
• Port and harbor security equipment.

Other capabilities
• M18A1 Claymore anti-personnel munitions;
• C-4 explosives, demolition munitions, and demolition equipment for obstacle clearing;
• Obstacle emplacement equipment;
• Counter air defense capability;
• More than 100,000 sets of body armor and helmets;
• Tactical secure communications systems and support equipment;
• Four satellite communications (SATCOM) antennas;
• SATCOM terminals and services;
• Electronic warfare (EW) and counter-EW equipment;
• Commercial satellite imagery services;
• Night vision devices, surveillance and thermal imagery systems, optics, and rangefinders;
• Explosive ordnance disposal equipment and protective gear;
• Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear protective equipment;
• Medical supplies, including first aid kits, bandages, monitors, and other equipment;
• Field equipment, cold weather gear, generators, and spare parts; and
• Support for training, maintenance, and sustainment activities.

The United States also continues to work with its Allies and partners to provide Ukraine with additional capabilities to defend itself.

U.S. Summary of Acts
Ukraine Supplemental Appropriations Act 2022, March 2022.
What we countAmount (in billion USD) Reasoning
0.1Department of Agriculture, Foreign Agricultural ServiceGoes to Food for Peace, a part of USAID, which provides food to people in Ukraine.
0.03Department of EnergySupport of Ukraine's energy grid.
1.4Department of StateIntended for Migration outflows from Ukraine, therefore helps people in Ukraine.
1.12Department of StateDoes not go directly to Ukraine, but is funding for the AEECA program, which provides help for Europe, Eurasia and Central Asia region. In line with our upper bound approach, we count the entire appropriation until further information is disclosed.
0.65Department of StateFMF program, non distinguishable what goes to Ukraine and what to neighboring countries.
0.647Department of StateEconomic support fund for Ukraine and neighboring region.
0.03Department of StateFor International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement for Ukraine.
2.65U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)International Disaster Assistance for Ukraine and the region. Indistinguishable what goes to Ukraine and what does not, therefore we count the entire amount for Ukraine.
3Increased AuthoritiesActual amount of Presidential authority to drawdown defense articles. In our dataset, for the Fiscal Year 2022 we count only $9.025 billion in drawdowns, as $1.775 billion in drawdown authority has not been used. Please see our Dataset/ Working paper Section 2.7 for a complete breakdown.
Sum (in billion USD)9.63  
What we do not countAmount (in billion USD) Reasoning
0.0221Department of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and SecurityNot going to Ukraine, but to support economic and trade-based analysis, enforcement, and coordination with partners on Russian and American vulnerabilities.
0.0594Department of Justice (DOJ)Consists of 3 smaller positions, all not intended for Ukraine, but for US actors and institutions (DOJ Ukraine Task Force, United States Attorneys, National Security Division, FBI).
3.028Department of DefenseNot for Ukraine, but for European Command operations mission support, the deployment of personnel to the region, and intelligence support.
0.061Department of the TreasuryMultiple smaller positions not intended for Ukraine, but for the Office of Terrorism, Departmental Offices, and the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network.
0.125Department of StateDiplomatic program to maintain American Citizen services outside of Ukraine, and increase State Department capacity to target assets of oligarchs.
0.12U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)Not going to Ukraine, but to Transition Initiatives to provide support for public messaging etc.
0.025U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)Not going to Ukraine, since it is for Operating Expenses to support operations that have had to move from Ukraine.
0.025U.S. Agency for Global Media (USAGM)Not going to Ukraine, but funding to combat disinformation and maintain communication links to Ukraine.
0.004Department of State Inspector GeneralFunding for Department to oversee emergency funds.
0.004USAID Inspector GeneralFunding for USAID Inspector General to oversee emergency funds.
3.5Department of DefenseDouble position, check Increased Authorities. Gives no indication of what the Presidential Drawdown authority actually is.
Sum (in billion USD)6.97  
Additional Ukraine Supplemental Appropriations Act 2022, May 2022.
What we countAmount (in billion USD) Reasoning
6Ukraine Security Assistance InitiativeUSAI program
0.002Nuclear Regulatory CommissionTo Ukraine's nuclear regulatory agency.
0.35Department of StateFor refugee outflows from Ukraine.
4Department of StateFMF program
8.006Department of StateEconomic support fund for Ukraine. Includes $0.76 billion to respond to global food insecurity, which we do not count here.
0.4Department of StateFunding for International Narcotics control and Law Enforcement for Ukraine
0.1Department of StateFunding for nonproliferation, anti-terrorism, demining and related programs.
4.35U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)Funding for International Disaster Assistance in Ukraine and surrounding area.
0.65Multilateral AssistanceFunding for economic and agriculatural programs in Ukraine and other affected countries.
11Increased AuthoritiesIncreases the Presidential Drawdown authority from previous $3 billion (USAA 2022) to $11 billion. In our dataset, for the Fiscal Year 2022 we count only $9.025 billion in drawdowns, as $1.775 billion in drawdown authority has not been used and $200 million predated the war. Please see our Dataset/ Working paper Section 2.7 for a complete breakdown.
Sum (in billion USD)34.86  
What we do not countAmount (in billion USD) Reasoning
0.067Department of Justice (DOJ):Not going to Ukraine, but to the DOJ General Administration to help cover costs.
9.05Replenishment of US stocksDouble position. Check Increased Authority on page 3 of the act and in the section above. The drawdown authority in this legislation gets increased to $11 billion from previously $3 billion. The Replenishment of US stocks position does not give a proper indication of the Presidential Drawdown Authority.
3.9European Command OperationsNot going to Ukraine, but to European Command operations and mission support for US troops in the region.
0.6Defense Production ActNot going to Ukraine, but intended to mitigate industrial base constraints for faster missile production and expanded domestic capacity of strategic and critical minerals.
0.5Munitions and Exportability fundsNot going to Ukraine, but to procure critical munitions to increase DoD stocks.
0.9Administration for Children and FamiliesNot going to Ukraine, but consists of funding to provide refugees arriving from Ukraine with different services.
0.054Centers for Disease Control and PreventionNot going to Ukraine, but provides refugees arriving from Ukraine medical support and other health related services.
0.76Department of StateNot going to Ukraine, but intended to prevent and respond to global food insecurity.
0.19Department of StateDiplomatic programs for diplomatic support. Does not benefit Ukraine directly.
0.01Department of StateFunding for a capital investment fund, and therefore not going to Ukraine.
0.11Department of StateFunding for Embassy security and construction, does not benefit Ukraine directly.
0.017U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)Funding for operation expenses for operations which had to flee Ukraine.
0.005Oversight$4 million for the Department of the State Inspector general, $1 million for the USAID Inspector general, to oversee funds.
0.072General ProvisionsNot going to Ukraine: $20 million to reimburse the Bill Emerson Humanitarian Trust, $52 million for the US Department of Treasury and their special agents.
Sum (in billion USD)16.24  
Continuing Appropriations and Ukraine Supplemental Appropriations Act 2023, September 2022.
What we countAmount (in billion USD) Reasoning
3Ukraine Security Assistance InitiativeUSAI
0.035National Nuclear Security Administration, Defense Nuclear NonproliferationFunding to prepare for and respond to potential nuclear and radiological incidents in Ukraine.
4.5Continuity of GovernmentFunding for Economic Support fund providing budget support to Ukraine.
3.7Military AssistanceAuthorizes the President to direct the drawdown of up to $3.7 billion worth of defense articles from U.S. stocks.
Sum (in billion USD)11.24  
What we do not countAmount (in billion USD) Reasoning
1.5Replenishment of US stocksFunding to replenish US stocks. Gives no indication of actual Presidential Drawdown Authority and would therefore result in double counting, if counted as aid to Ukraine.
2.8European Command operationsFunding for US mission support, intelligence support, special duty pay for troops deployed to the region.
0.002OversightFunding for the Inspector General to oversee funds.
Sum (in billion USD)4.3  
Additional Ukraine Supplemental Appropriations Act 2023, December 2022
What we countAmount (in billion USD)Reasoning 
9Ukraine Security Assistance InitiativeUSAI
0.1263National Nuclear Security Administration, Defense Nuclear NonproliferationFunding to prepare for and respond to potential nuclear and radiological incidents in Ukraine.
2.47Humanitarian AssistanceFor humanitarian needs of Ukraine, refugees from Ukraine, and other vulnerable populations and communities.
0.1525Humanitarian AssistanceState Department and USAID operations in Ukraine ($166 million) , net $13.5 million for oversight activities.
13.37Economic AssistanceFor vital economic and budgetary support for the Government of Ukraine.
14.5Security AssistanceIncreases the President’s authority to transfer defense equipment to Ukraine to $14.5 billion (from $3.7 billion enacted in USAA 2023). In our dataset, this is reflected as a total Presidential Drawdown Authority for the Fiscal Year 2023.
Sum (in billion USD)39.47  
What we do not countAmount (in billion USD)Reasoning 
0.05Food for PeaceNo further information given, contrary to the same position in USAA 2022.
0.005McGovern-Dole Food for Education and Child Nutrition ProgramNot going to Ukraine, but funding for for the McGovern-Dole Food for Education and Child Nutrition Program.
11.88Replenishment of US stocksDoes not give any indication on the actual Presidential Drawdown Authority. We count the authority above and in our dataset, but counting both entries would result in double counting.
6.98European Command operations and related activitiesNot going to Ukraine, but is funding for US for mission support, intelligence support, pay, equipment, and related activities.
0.006OversightFunding for the Inspector General to oversee activities.
0.3Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear EnergyDoes not go to Ukraine, but is funding for research in the US.
0.001National Security CouncilDoes not go to Ukraine, but funds the White House.
2.4Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and FamiliesFunding for Ukrainian arrivals and refugees, and does therefore not go to Ukraine.
0.0075Government Accountability OfficeFunding for oversight of amounts provided in this and prior Acts to respond to the situation in Ukraine.
0.166State Department and USAID OperationsGeneral funding for the State Department and USAID to oversee operations in Ukraine.
Sum (in billion USD)21.8  
Summing up:   
What we do not count49.31US bilateral aid NOT appropriated for Ukraine 
What we count95.19All US bilataral aid appropriated (=bookmarked) for Ukraine 
Sum (in billion USD)144.49  
In a further step we correct the amount we count as aid for Ukraine ($95.19 billion USD) for double counting.
Correction for Drawdowns3Increased AuthoritiesThe Additional 2022 and 2023 acts provide increases in the Presidential Drawdown Authority. The acts list the total amounts of $11 and $14.5, not the increases.
3.7Increased AuthoritiesWe therefore must correct for the baseline values introduced in the USAA 2022 and USAA 2022 by subtracting them since they are already in the Authority position in the AUSAA 2022 and 2023.
 0.26Military AssistanceFurthermore, we correct for $260 million in Presidential Drawdowns that occured in August and December 2021, as these do not fall in the timeframe of our dataset.
Furthermore, we correct for unused budgets. Since funds from the acts can usually only be used in their respective fiscal year, we correct for not obligated positions, i.e. funds, that have not been used and are therefore lost.
Correction for unused budgets in FY20223.103Department of StateThe information of non-obligated ("unused") budgets is provided by the Congressional Research Service for military and humanitarian aid, and double checked with information on humanitarian aid by the USAID.
1.775Increased AuthoritiesUnused military budgets are: $1.775 billion in Presidential Drawdown Authority for the Fiscal Year 2022, $3.103 billion from the FMF budget for the FY2022.
 7.1Department of State, U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)Unused humanitarian budgets are: $7.1 billion over the entire humanitarian aid appropriated by the Department of State and USAID.
Through these corrections, we arrive at the actual aid commitments to Ukraine:
Actual US aid commitments to Ukraine76.25This sum in billion USD represents the actual aid commitments to Ukraine from the US, between January 24, 2022 and January 15, 2023.
Data extracted from the Ukraine Support Tracker dataset